Globalisation has brought both boon and bane to human life. Progress brings a lot of changes in the overall development of anything, so is with health. Nowadays it is easy to take precautionary measures than opting to go
in huge world , diseases occur that is common way and it's happen anytime anywhere. so it is better to prevent begein that start. today technology is very high advantages then treatment price is automatically raise. i sh
Some people believe that researching illnesses and curing them can cost astronomical amounts of money. Therefore, they argue that preventing diseases is more crucial. I only partially agree with this view. While I admit
Investment in precautions always thought to be the best way of saving huge money which has been invested in treating and researching any diseases as it says “Prevention is better than Cure”. I completely agree with this
In this modern era, an increase in the number of diseases is the major concern across the countries. With each day passing, people spend a lot of time while dealing with the health treatments that really made their lives
Nowadays the quantity of people, who are suffering from critical or incurable diseases, is increasing day by day. In my view, we ought to start taking care of our well-being more responsible to avoid unanticipated drawba
Nowadays the quantity of people, who are suffering from critical diseases, is increasing day by day. In my view, we ought to start taking care of our well-being more responsible to avoid unanticipated drawbacks, instead
We are living in an era of deadly and chronic diseases. Although we are currently witnessing the most advanced era of medical science in the history of mankind, still researching and treating every single disease is not
We are living in the era of deadly and chronic diseases. Although we are currently witnessing the most advanced era of medical science in history of mankind, still researching and treating every single disease is not pra
In these days, there are many diseases coming in to the picture which leds to losing lives . Some people believe that, researching and treating will be more expensive so it is better to invest on preventing it.In this es
Treatment for a health issue is now so expensive that some think, it is better to concentrate more on prevention rather cure. Although putting a stop to the disease is always a good option, sometimes health could not be
It is no doubt that the prevention of a disease is a much cheaper and viable option than looking to cure by research and treatments. In my opinion, I firmly agree that preventative measures should be the first considerat
Many people argue that investing in vaccines and medicines that prevent diseases is better than treating illnesses after happening. I completely agree on the given statement and this essay will elucidate how research an
Taking precautionary measures is always better than curing a disease. It is rightly said that treatment and research is an expensive method to deal with any disease. I completely agree that we ought to look for ways to p
Billions of dollar are spent in treatment every year which could be utilized in other developmental activities. It would be more appropriate to work on avoiding diseases rather than on medication.
History has shown numerous situations where many pandemics are controlled by preventing them.Hence, I strongly agree with the given statement that controlling the attack of a disease is always better than treating it aft
World population is growing exponentially and so are the number of diseases worldwide. Finding a cure for them does not come cheap nor does it happen quickly. Popular opinion suggests that people should focus on preventi
Even though many people suggest that prevention is better than cure it also equally important to have a research for the future. In my opinion , research towards the cause of disease is our first defence against death th
Being ill might be the most difficult thing in the world, and even it may result in death. A recent controversy revolves around the question of prevention is better than cure. The analysis contained within the following
Advancement in technology and science has made an exorbitant influence to the current society this has made a huge impaction on the health sector. I totally agree with this opinion, the notion of preventing a disease is