IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, it’s usually said that children would drive benefit from boarding schools, especially in busy lifestyles. But on the other hand, some parents disagree, they believe that youngsters should stay with their famili
The educational system and different approaches to the learning system are substantial topics among families and societies. It is often said that studying at boarding schools is more comfortable and effective for student
Nowadays, Residential schools, where students have to stay during an academic year have attracted most attention and some parents select them as the perfect place to educate their children. However, the issue is not enti
Children have to learn many things so that they could be happy and useful in the future as well as they could reach their dreams. Some people believe that boarding school would be a decent choice for youngsters to learn
Instituitions play vital role to protect students who are attending in school every day. Althrough authroity ensure security, for overall security they build boundury around the school for more protection.However few ind
It is often said that children benefit from studying in the department with dormitories, especially in today's technology-focused world. However, the issue is not entirely straightforward, and arguments can also be made
Many factors come into play during the growth of an individual. One, in particular,in ,particular is the time period of school life. Many believe that the most appropriate way of learning is done together in a boarding i
Various circumstances exist that would compel parents to send off their child to boarding school. Be that as it may, parents, psychologists, and policymakers often debate if the nature of boarding schools presents posi
The concept of boarding schools, where students stay under the supervision of the school authorities within their campus, is becoming increasingly popular these days. While some people believe that it is the best option
It is often said that prep schools are a good deal with children. However, it might have some bad effects on children. This essay will discuss the debate and give a concluding view.
Boarding schools is a dream to some students who would love to get rid of their families or indulge themselves in the campus life. Admittedly, there are many benefits of living in campus during the term, yet not living a
People have different views about the importance of residential schools for children. While there are many benefits of boarding school, it seems that it does not compensate for the psychological loss of a child. There
Some parents think that children should be sent to boarding schools because it brings huge benefits, however; other parents feels is not an advisable decision. In following paragraphs, I will discuss both of views and re
These days boarding schools are increasingly popular, they continue to be rather controversial because the benefits are hard to determine exactly. This essay will discuss the debate, and give a concluding view.
Nowadays, many students choose boarding school because of the various conditions of their home and social life. Some people disagree, while others say it’s the right choice for students during the course. This essay wi
Most people agree that boarding schools are an excellent option for children, while some disagree with it. This essay will discuss both sides of the argument and give a conclusion. First of all, living in a boarding
These days many universities and schools have a dormitory for students who are living apart from the households. It is often said boarding schools are a great benefit for students, while some think contrary. This essay w
Boarding schools are a perfect place where promise high result for parents to their children educated. Some people believe that is a proper decision for children, whereas others disagree for some reasons. This essay will
Most individuals believe that boarding schools for schoolchildren are a worthy choice, while others disagree. This essay will discuss the exchange of views, and give a summing up perspective.
Several people think that boarding schools are a brilliant choice for students, although many others disagree. Those who oppose it, think that a dorm is not a suitable place to stay and learn. This essay will express the
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