IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Whether offenders should be punished for all types of crime or criminals should be punished depends on the individual’s situation and the engine for committing it has been a debatable issue. This essay will discuss both
Vegeterians are a group of people with a special diet, that mostly consists of consuming green food and avoiding meat or for some of them even all of the products that are being provided by animals. Being vegetarian is a
Animals have been helpful creatures to the humans in various ways since the stone age. In recent past human beings have been exploiting them for different purposes. I would like to opine on both the views here.
Some communities around the globe may opine that animals should not be used by people for various purposes since they have the right to live on this planet as humans. On the other hand , another part may oppose this op
It is believed by many people that animals should be given the same values alike humans and should not be abused whereas, others claim that there is nothing wrong with this if animals are used as a source of food and ac
Modern people pay much attention to animal rights, and some enterprises publicise that their products have not gone through any animal experiments at all. The status quo is due to an argument on animal employment; some p
For centuries, animals have been used by humans in some form or another to satisfy their needs. However, some people accept that animals should be treated well, although others believe that animals should be used to prov
Some individuals believe that animals should not be tested by people , whereas others claim that animals are used in important needs such as food and scientific research . I am completely convinced those who believe tha
Animals and human beings together form a crucial component to the environment, without which the functioning of the ecosystem would be impossible. Animals, being living creatures, are believed to have feelings of pain or
The animal is one of the living things, like the human. Some people believe that animals should be kept and treated well because they have the same rights as a human. Other people think that animals should be used for fo
These days, more and more people sympathise with animals' life from being exploited and should respect them as a human, while someone believes that it is necessary to take advantage of other living things for survival
It is often believed by some sections of society that, animals are living creatures for which, they should be treated fairly as human beings. In contrast to this, others think, pets can be utilized for myriads of medica
There has been an increase in the amount of people who supports animals' rights while some people are against theexploitation for human's needs. This essay is going to explain these two points of view and then give my op
Usually, animals ate not treated as humans,most people having the feeling that they own whatever they want withthem, but other people started to say that this type of behaviour is wrong.This essay outlines the difference
It's often argued by some individuals that animals should be treated in a good way as human beings are because they have the same rights as humans. While others believe that they should be used to fulfil humans desires.
It's often argued by some individuals that animals should be treated in a good way as humans are because they have the same rights as mankind. While others believe that they should be used to fulfil humans desires.
It is argued that animals should have equal rights as human beings or should be used for human’s purposes. While some individuals suggest that animals should be protected by laws of animal rights, I would argue that it
Humans are the most intelligent species on the planet Earth, we have been abusing animals since the ancient times for various purposes. However, some people ascertain that animals should not be taken advantage of and sho
The idea that people should not use animals and should give them similar rights is gaining ground among people. Others, however, disagree and believe that people should continue to consume animals to cater to their needs
Jubilant crime is the hottest topic of every discussion forum in the world. Developed cities reported that the number of crimes committed by adults is drastically increasing over recent years’ period. This essay will not
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