IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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As far as technology era has integrated in production industries there are many controversial opinions in terms of comparing it with labor work and replacing humans to robots. I definitely support the statement that empl
Technology and automation are playing a crucial role in the activity of community and in relation to it, the role of manpower has decreased. In my point of view, the time span population spend on work should be substanti
Modern machinery and automatic processes have decreased the manual working opportunities for people. Therefore I would suggest manual labour should be reduced which makes life easy for the people but has a huge disadvant
Modern machinery and automatic processes have decreased the manual working opportunity of people. Therefore I would suggest manual labour should be reduced which makes life easy for the people but has a huge disadvantage
in recent years, it has been widely recognized that the demand for a workforce has decreased because of the developments in digitalization and machinery. As a result, the duty timing needs to be minimized. from my perspe
During the last decades, many experts have started questioning the long working hours employees experience while living in an era where technological advances have revolutionized the whole world. From my point of view, w
The advent of technology has involved each facet of the contemporary world, including industrialisation. Automatic machines have mostly replaced human-operated work, precipitating the reduction of effective working hours
It is clear to see that the biggest part of today’s jobs mostly depends on the intellectual work and new automation technologies. Due to this fact, some experts suppose that the number of manual labour has to be decrease
In this era, development in technology and automation have declined the need of employee or worker. Therefore, in this essay, I will describe about my opinion.
It is argued that growth in technologies and automation have brought down the necessity of physical tasks done by humans, which in turn leads to the reduction of working hours. I completely disagree with the above statem
Modern technology and automatic processes have decreased the manual working hours of people. Therefore I would suggest manual labour should be reduced which makes life easy for the people but has a huge disadvantage when
In recent years, technology and automation have rapidly transformed the nature of work. While some argue that these advances should lead to a reduction in working hours, I believe that the issue is more complex and that
In many production-oriented factories, machinery has evolved to such a degree that the demand for physical labour has considerably reduced, leading to the suggestion of a reduced working week. However, there are several
Technological breakthroughs in the past few decades have improved the working conditions for many industries. The quality of life of those who worked in these industries, as a result, was also improved. Less time is bei
These days, it has been very common to witness that machinery has been involved in too many industries. It is asserted by some individuals that this situation can decrease human labour and certain job. However in my pe
Recent technology advances had great impacts on the world of work. Automatic machines are able to do most of the works، so It has been widely debated that working hours should be reduced. I am completely agree that gover
The modern advancement in technology and automation have cut down the manual labour need. Hence, working time should be decreased. I completely disagree that working time should be decreased.
With the development of science various aspects of the convocation also improved , including those which needed more human power previously. But, some are arguing about reducing the time which allocates to work for emp
Technological advancements over the last decade have had a significant impact on the labour force. As expected, automation is taking over every industry at a pace faster than anticipated, thereby reducing the reliance o
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