As our world become seamless, nowadays it is common for several people to buy meal throughout the various source, for example by using application embedded on smartphone. On the other hand, there is remains the people wh
In the modern era, a transformation in reading has become evident, with a growing number of readers choosing digital books over printed ones. This essay argues that the benefits of ebooks over physical books surpass thei
Risk-taking is often seen as an important part of personal and professional growth. While it may present unforeseen challenges, I think the potential benefits of embracing risk often outweigh the drawbacks.
A number of museums charge an entry fee, while others do not. This essay thinks that the drawbacks of charging fees do not outweigh the benefits because although some people are excluded when museums charge admission, th
It is undeniable that social media plays a big part in people's everyday lives. One uses social media in various ways such as contacting, working, and connecting with other people. With the benefits of efficiency and con
One of the most prevalent trends in the contemporary world is the cumulative increase in moving out to get good employment. However, many people argue that moving out to leave friends and families is not a good idea, whi
Offspring have been playing games throughout history. They have played games online since the invention of computers and mobile devices. Although internet gaming is thought by some to be advantageous for offspring, other
In this cutting-edge era, a dream house is an important tool in everyone's life.Most people believe that ,to get an appropriate habitat for their peaceful life.However,in few nations,less folks are taking accommodation a
Change is ubiquitous which benefits people in the long run and can have desirable effects on individuals than staying in the same attitude for a long period of time. This essay will describe how change brings positive ef
The percentage of older individuals is rising in many nations. While this is a beneficial phenomenon, there are some drawbacks. It leads us to be in touch with them and gain their life experiences. However, senior people
Nowdays, people are trying to improve themselves by improve their professional profiles. There are various features to work in more than one job such as self-regulate, gain uncountable of experiences. Undoubtedly there a
In this contemporary epoch, a large proportion of people prefer to live in newly built apartments while the remaining feel more comfortable in the house. There are various benefits and drawbacks of both living in a house
In this day and age, as a result of technology, the internet provides many facilities that make human life significantly easier. These are seen in every aspect of our lives, even work. One of its results is the ability t
In our modern world, the Internet has a huge impact on our lives, including our daily actions. Working is one of these aspects that has been influenced, such as working at home via the Internet. I utterly agree that bein
Recently public opinions show the need of free and accessible mass transportation for most major cities. I will elaborate the benefits and the drawbacks of free public transporatation in majority of cities.
Although some people consider that it is advantageous for youngster to play online game, others believe that it can be dangerous for them. In my opinion, I think that game online may bring more issues than any benefits i
There is no doubt that these days that English language is become one of the most important languages that people around the world take it as a formal manner to communicate with other. The question is, why does the popul
Tourism is developing which gives stong contributions to English as the only predominant language worldwide, resulting to English as the only language used all over the world. There are some benefits and drawbacks to thi