In the cutting-edge technology era, the widespread social platforms provide convenient help for users to contact other people in an easy way and recently updated events that occur around the world. Although, there is som
Nowadays, people tend to store knowledge on the Internet rather than in books. From my point of view, I believe that the positives of this trend outweigh its negatives.
In the cutting-edge society, the Internet deemed as a storage for knowledge of humanity instead of using books to preserve these precious data as in the previous years. The writer believes that some benefits of simple ap
In the previous decade, people captured knowledge in books. However, in today's digital age, most individuals believe that knowledge is contained on the social networking site. It is the writer who strongly supports that
In today's age, social media has deeply infiltrated everyone's life and is believed to replace our face-to-face interaction. From my perspective, the advantages of being bullied on the Internet and the reduction in asse
In the era globalization, geographical barriers among nations have been gradually increased which encourages people to consume the same types of content on TVV and other means of media. From a personal perspective, I bel
Whether the activity of using social networking sites to communicate or access the news every day by people is benefitcial. This writer argues that the benefits of mending closer human relationships and updating data qui
Differences between countries are turning to less plain. In the present day, people come across the same video. This writer argues that the drawbacks of they will lose their nation's culture and they will live in a forei
In some regions, drivers are not allowed to use their cars to reach the centre only bicycles and buses can be selected. This essay will argue that the advantages of this outweigh the drawbacks. This essay will first demo
Currently, people have hectic lifestyle thus they do not have time to care their older family members. Younger population and middle-aged people put elderly members in old age homes. Both its pros and cons will be discus
One of widely discussed issues nowadays is more and more people have to move away from their families, friends in order to find work. It is undeniable that the economy is not good in all countries and 90% of these people
The debate surrounding whether it is best for museums to require an entry fee or not has sparked considerable controversy. While this notion brings mere drawbacks, I firmly believe that its benefits are of higher signifi
Autonomous vehicles, particularly those developed by Tesla, are gaining widespread popularity. Tesla, a leading company in this sector, is continually advancing its technology, especially in the realm of self-driving car
Before continuing studies in the college, some countries suggest young generation to work or travel for a year. It can affect several benefits for young people such as having a lot of experiences and financial independen
Some individuals assume that moving huge companies and industries from residential areas to suburbs would be effective. While this trend might have some drawbacks, I personally suppose its benefits will be more.
In recent years, there has been unprecedented development and innovation in communication technologies, including smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. Although some people think that the disadvantages of these
In this day and age, a plethora of people have the tendency to travel around the world to study foreign languages instead of learning in their country. This essay attempts to shed light on both the merits and demerits of
The ever-growing access to social platforms globally is led by individual contacts and staying up-to-date with the news. This writer argues that the benefits of getting into contact with people and absorbing the news st
In this day and age, many young individuals want to be hired for a few years between school and university. In my opinion, I think it might bring both advantages and disadvantages for students who do this. The following