IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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there are many professionals moving away from their countries to developed countries. The main problem this causes is reducing the quality of health care in their countries and the most viable solution is improving aware
A gradual increase has been seen in highly skilled migrants. There have been various issues causing people to move to developed countries instead of living in their own countries. In this essay, we will discuss the
There is a current phenomenon that a growing number of professionals, like doctors and teachers, are reported to be moving out of their own developing countries so that they can work in more advanced states. This occurre
Undoubtedly, professionals such as doctors and teachers are in demand in many developed countries around the world but this leaves the country of origin lacking the skilled people needed to develop their societies. There
Later on in the same trip, we visited Disney, where a hilarious incident occurred. While waiting in line to take a photo with a princess, I found myself unable to speak any English that year. When the princess said somet
As we observed, the number of qualified people is increasing nowadays. Even though they are leaving their own countries to find an opportunity substantially, they would work in advanced countries.
Working in developed countries has become a trend. There is an increase in the number of professionals, such as doctors and teachers, leaving their own poor countries to work in developed countries. This essay will disc
Professional are increasing nowadays, for instance staff health and teachers are living their home low-income country to go in advanced nation for working. There are some problem why they move to wealthy nation for worki
Nowaydays, more and more expert worker like dokters and teachers move for seeking job from their needy country to advanced country. This issue have saveral effect and solution which I will explain in this essay.
In recent years, many experts such as doctors lecturers, and teachers have been going abroad to pursue their careers in developed nations. This phenomenon might be caused by the under-average wages and low benefits offer
The number of doctors, teachers and other professionals who immigrate is increasing. This leads to massive problems in education and the health condition of people due to the lack of professionals in these fields. Provid
The number of doctors, teachers and other professionals who immigrate is increasing. This leads to massive problems in education and health condition of people due to the lakc of professionals in these fields. Providing
The number of migrants moving from their home countries that are underdeveloped is snowballed by the allure of rich countries. There are a multitude of problems that arise due to such trend and need to be reduced. This h
Nowadays, professionals from developing countries have a tendency to emigrate to richer countries to find employment. This essay will discuss both the causes of this phenomenon and the issues that affect the nations they
These days,a large number of professionals are migrating to developing countries for several reasons.The primary causes of this trend are unemployment and poor standard of living.
Presently, the number of graduating people such as doctors or teachers is unfortunately migrated to other countries or other developed cities for an occupation. Therefore, in this case, someone likes and someone dislikes
An increasing amount of people who are the best on their jobs, such as doctors and tutors, are leaving their own poorer countries to work on the developed continent. In my opinion, it is not good. Because the economy of
There is a trend where more and more professionals are leaving their countries for richer countries in search of a better life. In this essay, I plan to discuss issues caused by this phenomenon and a number of possible s
A number of individuals who are very qualified and experienced at their job is increasing around the world and they prefer leaving their own countries to work in rich countries. Unfortunately, this causes a lot of proble
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