IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Visual and expressive art classes for example, painting and drawing ,are as prominent for child's growth and development as other high schools subjects , so as a result these classes should be mandatory in high school le
People’s opinions differ as to whether or not arts should be compulsory for high school students because of its pivotal role in a child’s growth. While acknowledging the benefits students can gain from this subject, enro
Art courses such as painting and drawing play a vital role in improving child's abilities so it should be a main subject and must be taught as others in high schools. The writer agrees with this mindset because of develo
Art subjects are believed to be obligatory in schools, as it promotes the child's growth. I strongly agree with this assertion for several reasons.
Whether or not that artistry should be compulsory at high school for a child's development has become a debatable topic. This writer believes that this world would be a waste of potential and create unnecessary stress fo
Although some people believe that art classes are important for children's development others don't.In opinion art classes are as important for child development as other subjects
In today’s society, the notion that older individuals should persist in their professional roles if capable has garnered substantial support. I wholeheartedly agree with this perspective, as it not only benefits the econ
Art classes, such as painting and drawing have been recognized as important for children's overall development. Therefore, it is an ongoing debate that such subjects should be seen as obligatory.
Nowadays, many schools have made it compulsory for children to take up art and craft classes. It is often argued whether these subjects are as crucial as the other subject for a child’s overall development, which is why
I disagree with the above statement that art classes, such as painting and drawing are as essential for a kid's development as other subjects therefore, they should not be compulsory in high school.
I disagree with the above statement that art classes, such as painting and drawing are as essential for kid's development as other subjects therefore it should not be compulsory in high school.
Subjects such as painting and drawing are as beneficial for children's development as other subjects at school which is why it should be obligatory in high school. I completely disagree with this statement because not ev
It has been a controversial and debatable topic in recent days whether artistry has as paramount importance as any other stem subject ,especially for kids from 6 to 12 years. The education is considering making art class
Art is one of entertainment aspect of human life. Art subjects, namely painting and drawing are vital for children's brain development as other subjects. I completely agree that Art subjects should be compulsory in high
Art has evolved so that it plays a major role in children's growth. But can it be lined up with the classes such as math ,physics in terms of necessity and become an official part of education? I completely disagree wit
People would argue that painting and drawings are crucial for student's development and they should be added the school system as a complusory subject. I completely argee with the point of view and in the essay i will su
Art classes in the art school might be really essential. However, in the general high school this subject may be one of the optional subjects. I agree that art classes are important, but in a particular school to be used
Art how school subject, could be much useful in education, it should be have the same significance as Mathematics or Science or English, therefore, Art classes should be considered as subjects in high school. I think tha
Art classes such as painting and drawing plays a critical role in skill childrens skills devlopment as equal as other subjects. I agree that utmost importance should be given to art classes and skills such as drawing and
Although art subjects are necessary for the development of students but according to me, it should not be mandatory it should be as an optional subject.
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