IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Technology has become a key part of our daily routine. It is an aspect that covers the use of the internet. There is a general concern that newspapers may fade away with the increasing use of Internet services. I partly
Nowadays, after the emergence of the Internet , many people believe that physical newspapers won't exist in the future. I totally agree with this opinion because online modern news sites are cheaper, easier to access, r
Nowadays, thanks to globalisation and the spread of communication systems, people prefer using the Internet instead reading a newspaper. I share this view, and I will explain this new trend in the essay.
The internet is by far the most used source for information and almost everything in the world. It is no doubt that newspapers are gradually going extinct, I totally agree that they may disappear in the next century. Thi
In the modern era life without the internet is unimaginable, it has become a crucial part of life nowadays people read news via the internet because of the accessibility to any news from any corner of the world, I agree
Nowadays, people's habits have been changing with the web, also there are unique things that come from human history like a newspaper. In my ,opinion all of the people in the world need the internet and need to read som
It has become increasingly common for people to access the news electronically rather than with traditional print media with many commentators suggesting that this could spell the end for newspapers. I would agree with t
Nowadays more and more people use the internet to read news stories. Because of this some people argue that in the future there will no longer be newspapers because everyone will use the internet. I think that there are
The growing popularity of the online media has continued to dwindle the relevance of the print media. This is due to the ease at which information is circulated to a vast number of people at a time as well as the conveni
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