IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In recent years, there has been a demographic trend that shows a larger proportion of young adults than that of older people. This essay will argue that the advantages of this outweigh the drawbacks. The essay will first
Nowadays, in some counties the young generation uotnumbers the quantity of aged people. This essay will discuss both pros and cons of this phenomenon and provide a logical conclusion.
Undoubtedly, young generation is the backbone of any country as they are from that age group which helps a nation to run smoothly. In this contemporary world, population of some countries include majority of youngsters a
It is generally believed that the population of several nations consists of less older people, compared to the number of young adults. There are benefits and drawbacks of this situation, but I believe the benefits outwei
Nowadays, the vast majority of the population of some countries includes mainly young generations as opposed to older people. In my opinion, there are more advantages to this phenomenon than disadvantages.
Recently the population of youth have been increased in some countries in comparison with the old people. In my opinion, the positive parts of this outweigh the negative ones for many reasons.
There are ongoing discourse on whether large populations of young adults is better than the number of older people. Some might think the number of older people is better than a large number of young adults. However, I fe
Nowadays several countries have the really big difference between amounts of aged and youthful humans. There are some benefits and losses in this case. No doubt, that a huge quantity of blood is the pledge of nation exis
In the modern era, we can face that we have massive number of young generation than elderly in some regions have many drawbacks because that areas lose active and cheerful atmosphere. Some people think it has had mixed r
Nowadays, In several countries around the world the ratio of young public is significantly higher in numbers as compared to the public who is more elder in age. I believe there advantages exceed the disadvantages and i w
The average life expectancy rate has come down drastically in many countries. It is 70 in Asia and 79 in countries like the USA and Europe. So there are few older people in the world. The young population is comparativel
Nowadays in some countries, the population includes a majority of young adults, compared with a number of older people. In my opinion, I consider that a bigger number of young adults can bring about more advantages for a
While there are some drawbacks associated with the increase in the young community in some nations compared to the number of elderly public, I believe that the main benefits are more substantial.
The question of whether the benefits of having a larger younger population, compared to the aged group in many nations, outweigh the drawbacks, has sparked a substantial discussion recently. While some advocate for this
Nowadays,we can observe that the number of residents comprises a significantly large amount of youngsters in comparison with elder adults. I firmly believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
In our rapidly world, the residence of some countries a large proportions of young and adults,this quantities compare with figure of older population. This two groups produce advantages and in some time disadvantages. In
Nowadays, the average age of citizens is a matter of debate. In this regard, the scientific inquiry illustrates that this number has become lower in some countries which means, the number of young people has experienced
While there are some drawbacks associated with the increase in the young population in some nations compared to the number of elderly people, I believe that the main benefits are more substantial.
Nowadays, there is an ongoing debate about benefits and withdrawns of the bigger amount of younger generations over elderly ones. Supporters claim that it has many possible pros for the country, but their opponents highl
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