IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In many population, some girls and boys want to be a star or celebrity in their countries. A celebrity is a person ho is famous in different way such film or sports star. Then, some people suggest that Being a celebrity
Nowadays, everyone wants to become famous and live a life like a celebrity. Though people are attracted towards the luxuries life of a celebrity sometimes they find many problems as well.This essay will elaborate on both
Being a celebrity brings more problems such as losing his or her own identity and less free time in pursuing the reputation via mass media rather than some benefits: luxurious lifestyles, encouragements from fans, becaus
To become a celebrity every person requires to be the absolute best in their relevant field of work. The best performances attract people. People become followers of top performers. The performers with highest number of
In this contemporary epoch, celebrities such as sports or film stars play a vital role in common people’s life. Some people believe that being famous among people provides various pros to them while critics say that it h
It is commonly acknowledged that being a famous person has some benefits. For example, sports stars recieve extremely high salaries and get benefits such as having dinner with their president. Otherwise, there are severa
Being a celebrity such as a film-star or sportsperson brings advantages as well as disadvantages. This essay will discuss whether being a celebrity is more beneficial or further problematic.
Many people hold the views that famous people in the fields of cinema and sports can bring them to advantages and drawbacks. Although they can have a lot of money from this fields, those life can be affected by the publi
Nowadays, there is a huge consensus that popular and well known people، recieve the greatest attention from all the viewers. Thus, it had been argued whether advantages outweigh the disadvantages of being known to most p
Becoming a person with a great fame can eventually cause more disadvantages than advantages. Hence, the problems are the privacy exploitation and the public's expectations, which are extremely annoying.
Nowadays, being a celebrity such as an artist or sports person is the most ambitious of everyone especially Gen Zee, because this is the easiest way to gain income on a high scale. However, there are more problems to be
It is true that being a celebrity comes with many pros and cons. Although celebrities earn a lot of money and they can influence people, I believe that these reasons do not outweigh the fact that they lose privacy and do
Some people might consider that being a celebrity has more perks and less problems. However, I believe the advatanges the fame has do not worth all the struggles that come with it.
It is generally accepted that being a well-known person, superstar, or sports personality provides both sides of benefits and downsides at the same time. I wholeheartedly agree with why being popular will bring more adva
No doubt, celebrities lead tough lives. However, there is an ongoing debate that being a famous person is not easy for individuals, as it brings many life challenges, but also comes with benefits. In this essay, I will d
Famous people who receive attention from the public get both benefits and drawbacks. Although this may bring them lots of money and work opportunities, they will not have privacy in their life and I believe that these ad
Popular people like famous actors or sports personalities have an effect on others by bringing both difficulties and benefits. This essay claims that celebrities bring more benefits than problems and will examine the rea
We all know if we had a provision, it is has their own difficulties. In this case, I would explain my opinion about why celebrities brings more benefits.
Popular people create issues and give benefits to society. I am in favour of these people bringing more benefits to the country in the form of money and good habits.
The debate over whether the life of a celebrity is one of enviable advantage or burdensome difficulty is ongoing. In my view, the scale tips towards the latter; being a celebrity often brings more problems than it does b
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