IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is often thought that many people buy various things, which they need for themselves through the internet, for example; books, flight tickets, and any item from a grocery. This essay will discuss this view, and I beli
In today ear many indiviudals prefer On line shopping especially in terms of books,air tickets and groceries. that has advantage and disadvantage this assey will discusses more in some points.
In this modern era, people get attracted towards an advanced system based on a daily basis. Online shopping is one of the categories, that is becoming popular day by day. Purchasing goods via online sites such as educati
Nowadays, it have become an trend of buying a goods from online which have made a life easy as well as fast according, to me it has more advantages then disadvantages. From the viewpoint of a internet the world have be
Technology has advanced over the years and you can now purchase things like plane tickets online and have your groceries paid and delivered to you without ever stepping foot in a store. This essay will discuss the pros a
In recent decades, shopping online such as booking flights, buying books, and getting some stuff is growing by leaps and bounds, and it has more advantages than going to malls. In my opinion, the pros of this activity ou
In the modern world with the development of technology, online purchasing is becoming more common. In my opinion, I believe that the advantages of shopping will outweigh the disadvantages.
The importance of online shopping has always been debatable and has now become more controversial with its increasing popularity. This phenomenon has several merits and drawbacks however, as per my way of thinking, the b
The usage of internet has grown rapidly over the years. Likewise purchasing of items like books or tickets online has become most these days . This essay will look into the whether pros dominate cons . People got used t
Nowadays people are using the internet for various purposes, such as booking tickets groceries and so on. Purchasing on the internet is becoming popular around the world in order to make easy for population. However th
E-commerce is one of the recent and the most popular technological development. Online, people can purchase anything they want from anywhere. Like every other technology, online shopping has both positive and negative si
Buying things online is much more easy nowadays such as books, groceries and online air tickets. Broadcasting is a key interface for humans in daily basis activities. As well as merits are stronger to get cheaper thin
Shopping is the initial part of our life to fulfill our necessities. Buying things online, such as hard-copy materials, air tickets and staple food, is becoming more and more rewarding. In my point of view, I do believe
In the present days, technology and Internet which are developing rapidly bring many benefits to people and one of the benefits is online shopping. In this essay, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of buyin
Nowadays, people buy things like stationaries, airfare and other home items through online, which is undeniably on-trend. I would argue that although this may predispose to serious physical problems to people, however th
In this golden age of the internet, it is generally understood that there are more and more users who prefer to buy things online. From my perspective, in spite of a clear drawback, the benefit of shopping online is unde
In this golden age of the internet, it is generally understandable that there are more and more users prefer to buy things online. From my perspective, in spite of a clear drawback, the benefit of shopping online are und
Online shopping is becoming confident for people to buy such as clothes, groceries, books, gadgets and air tickets rather than going to buy offline. Although,there are some precarious disadvantages to buying online.
In today's modern era, everything is available online as compared to the past when individuals have to personally visit at brick and mortar stores. Now everything is available at the click of a button and shopping can be
In this technology-driven world, people are becoming used to getting things online while sitting at home, or workplace. Some pupils believe that it has disadvantages for small businesses, while other people are in the fa
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