IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Online shopping has been progressively replacing the popularity of conventional shopping. This development has several negligible benefits compared to the drawbacks that more adversely affect the individuals and local co
Online shopping plays a significant role in this contemporary era. There is no denying, purchasing items via online, such as books, air tickets and groceries, is becoming common trend among people. This essay will intend
In recent years, there has been a growing trend that people tend to buy things on the Internet. This present both pros and cos, however, in my opinion, its benefits are much more significant than the drawbacks.
It is said that applying internet shopping became one of the main ways how people can buy everything.Due to this,individuals can stay at home and find what they want,neither than going to the shops.However, it also has s
There is no denying the fact that the main impact of the internet is debatable. While it is a commonly held belief that online purchasing becomes very popular and useful for the public. Most the people use online intern
At present, society is becoming more and more developed, and with it technology. It is claimed that more and more citizens will shop online using these devices. From my point of view, although this trend has a few disa
Recently, online shopping has been more common and everyone tries to buy things online at least once. This way of purchasing has some benefits and drawbacks, in my opinion, we can ignore the bad sides and use this techno
Over the last years, people have got more confident and familiar with going shopping on the internet in a large portion of the world, but this approach has certain drawbacks too. This essay will examine the advantages an
In recent years, it is becoming increasingly common for people to purchase what they need online rather than going to the store. Although there are some disadvantages of online shopping, I believe the advantages are more
Online shopping has become more popular and prominent across the world and there are some advantages and disadvantages which are associated with this internet-based trading.
Online shopping is spreading worldwide among people. Daily individuals tend to purchase their needs such as plane tickets and different groceries through the internet. However, there are negatives and demerits of online
With developed technology, the consuming behaviours of people have changed gradually. People can only purchase items from shops previously. However, improvements provided to able to buy something on the internet. Further
It is certainly true that people shopping online shows an increasing trend nowadays. Some people believe that there are lots of benefits to purchasing products on the website. However, some argue that it has some drawbac
Nowadays, online shopping is constantly growing in popularity. Books, airline tickets, and groceries are just a few examples of the vast array of goods that now be purchased online. Despite some potential benefits, I bel
Nowadays, there are many methods for ordering things and goods from markets. Using networks for shopping is becoming widespread, in spite of the positive and negative. I totally agree that the positives are more than t
There is no doubts these days that the online shopping became more popular than ever. the question is what is the impcat of online shopping on our lifes ? in the essay I am going to disscuse the postive sides and negativ
For the time being, online shopping is becoming increasingly popular. There are some popular ordering products, such as online, groceries and air tickets. Actually, there are advantages which outweigh disadvantages such
The depicted bar chart represents the proportion of regular physical activities of males and females among six age groups in Australia in 2010. Overall, women were more dominant in physical exercise than men.
The beam of today's world, is based upon science and technology. Therefore, it is natural for an engineer or any science enthusiast to be more valuable than any artist. I believe this statement to be partially true, as a
It is widely known that the advent of the Internet and E-commerce has elevated the living standard and supported the convenience of humankind. People are now using web browsers to purchase goods such as flight tickets,
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