Electronic devices revolutionized the world, they permitted a massive number of innovations, one of them was the computer. In my opinion, it is the most important invention at this time. Indeed, it began to be even more
Nowadays the great majority of people tend to believe that the creation of computers are the most crucial item in our life, while others claim that there are a lot of other things that influenced our world as well. Altho
Many argue that computers are the most significant invention over the past centuries. I disagree with this statement and this essay is going to prove why I do not agree because there are many equally important innovation
From the previous century, it has been argued that personal computers are the most significant innovation invented so far. In my perspective, it has brought pros along with cons in the lives of inhabitants.
These days, with the rapid development of automation and cutting-edge devices, it is undeniable to assume the crucial contribution of computers and other high-tech items. Some people championed that computers have been t
computers are usually as the most useful invention that human beings ever achieved and I completely agree that above all innovations, computers are leaderboard.
It is believed. that computers are The most significant invention of the centennial. I disagree to a great extent because there are many other innovations which have changed the way of living a lot but I also believe tha
There is no doubt that technology has made an epic transformation to humanity over the past years. Although, it also being brought with lots of negativity to human behaviour when it has not been controlled.
For the last century, computers are believed becoming the most significant invention. This essay agrees that computers are the most pivotal tool in this era. It is because it supports human's life and this also leads to
It is sometimes argued that the advent of computers is the most vital invention in human life over the last century. In my opinion, I agree partly with the argument above because of several reasons that I will discuss in
Computers have been used to facilitate our job for decades and it feels like computers have become basic gadgets for everyday needs. Some people even think that it is arguably one of the most major inventions of the last
In the modern era, computers have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. Some people argue that computers are the most significant invention of the last hundred years. While I acknowledge the significant impact
Technology has tremendously revolutionised our lives in many different ways. However, some people claim computers are considered one of the most important innovations of the last century. I completely agree with this st
In this period of technology, one of the brilliant invention made by human are computers. Some individual argued that computers are the most crucial device for the last ten decades. From my opinion, I agreed with the poi
It cannot be disputed that computers are one of the best creations of the last century. I personally believe that this invention is by far the most essential since facilitates human life. Their use has been magnificent t
Many people contradict the idea of computers as the most significant discovery over the last centuries. With so many helpful features to invent something and its utilization in many companies, I believe the world would n
Every century has its own life-changing inventions. People argue that computers are the most important invention of the last hundred years. I personally agree with this statement. In my view, computers are the most power
Computers are very important inventions in our daily communication. When somebody sends messages to his friend or member of the family, he uses a portable computer called a smartphone.
The development of new technologies such as computers in particular is claimed to be the most significant invention of the last century. I do share this opinion due to the fact that they become a part of everyday life al