IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Countries in the world are facing different types of problems and challenges, limited not up to the environment, but, Increase in population and education and many more others. This essay will focus on the challenges my
Nowadays, crime-based novels and TV dramas are significantly increasing and becoming popular in many countries. I believe these books and TV shows are popular due to the vast number of crimes that exist today and because
The recent survey of Global Challenges Report has been published in the Times magazine and it shows that the environmental problem is not only a challenge but there are other significant challenges in respect to the popu
In the upcoming years, nations across the globe would certainly have to overcome numerous challenges stemming from schooling, population growth and habitat. According to me, India being a heavily populated country will f
The world is moving at a fast pace. It is significantly changing day by day. These changes will affect the nations of the globe not only to the atmosphere but also to the people of the nations and the education field as
The huge increase in population in Brazil during the last decades contributes to the lack of public schools among underprivileged people. This essay will discuss the reasons behind this problem and suggest some possible
Countries around the world having a different issue related to the environment , overpopulation and education system which is bad for our upcoming generation . so we need to take some steps which helps to improve these
Countries around the world having different issue related to environment , over population and education system which is bad for our upcoming generation . so we need to take some steps which helps to improve this social
The world is running at a faster pace. Everything around us keeps changing day by day. For example, technology, traffic, weather, etc. It seems all the demographics of the earth will be facing severe challenges not only
Global warming has been a massive concern for the world population for the last couple of decades. Many nations around the globe is threatened by the environmental challenges as well as their aging citizens. This essay w
Nations around the globe are witnessing grave concerns regarding swelling population and lacking education levels along with the environmental degradation in the society. The following paragraphs will give insight into t
In this advanced era, problems such as climate change, overpopulation and lack of education infrastructure are on rising at the global scale. Every country has its own set of issues, and in this essay,I will discuss the
Governments around the world have some complex issues in their agendas, in Colombian, a country wich is located in South America, near the equator, has some major concerns about its nearly future. Some main aspects to be
In the near future, countries worldwide will have increasing threats in regards to climate changes, in addition to demographic traps and education systems. As can be expected, Brazilians are one of the civilizations who
The challenges caused due to the environmental changes, population growth and poor education are substantially increasing at a high standard in many countries around the world. Personally, I believe that, in the long run
Due to climate change, the world in the coming years will not be the same as today. Nations across the globe will be witnessing bigger challenges like population rise and lack of education and many more. But a country li
With an ever-increasing focus on controlling the climate changes, countries across the world have deviated from other issues like population explosion and dwindling quality of education systems which have gripped many na
Every country has their own issues and concerns, which has to be continuously addressed and resolved. These problems are expected to increase over the next ten years. In this essay, I will be discussing the issues which
Every country has its own issues and concerns, which has to be continuously addressed and resolved. These problems are expected to increase over the next ten years. In this essay, I will be discussing the issues which my
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