IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is widely believed that differences between nations have become less obvious over the years. While some individuals believe this brings numerous benefits, I think its drawbacks outweigh its advantages.
n the contemporary world, everyone struggles to spend a lavish lifestyle, and therefore, the standard of living worldwide has reached a plateau. Albeit the trend of spending an equivalent lifestyle possesses a set of mer
In the contemporary world, everyone struggles to spend a lavish lifestyle, and therefore, the standard of living worldwide has reached a plateau. Albeit the trend of spending an equivalent lifestyle possesses a set of me
These days, technology has been developing more than past; thereafter, the most effect in their global inhabitants" lifestyles; so that, today, people who live in various countries have the same customs, foods, and TV pr
The discrimination among nations in terms of people's lifestyle, access to information, eating habits and cultural aspects are diminishing with the effect of globalisation and widespread acceptance of technology. Some pe
The rules about turning down job applicants because of their ages differ from country to country. Some places have laws against this kind of discrimination to ensure fairness at work
The distinction betwee nations are becoming less noticeable.There is a popular claim that citizens are watching the same movies,fashion ,brand and others. There are numerous advantages and disadvantages to this matter wh
In light of the proliferation of technology, people are able to contact with foreigners, leading to several cross-cultural aspects. Therefore, alleviating the distance between countries, making a trend of watching the sa
In recent years, there has been a noticeable convergence of cultures worldwide, leading to similarities in various aspects of life across different countries. This trend is evidenced by the global dissemination of fashio
Distinctions between countries are becoming less obvious. In recent years, many individuals have been watching some programs on television. Though, I believe the demerits certainly outweigh the benefits.
The universe has been becoming such as world village over the last centuries in terms of attitudes and facilities thanks to modern times. However, this revolution is inevitably happening, there are both positive and nega
Watching the common TV programs and ads as well as persuading the similar brands and fashions, nations are getting more and more similar. Despite some merits of homogenization, it has several detrimental consequences tha
Nowadays , It is hard to recognize the difference between the nations because most of the people share commom interests in fashion,foods ,brands and tv channels . Although , young generation loosing their traditional roo
Globalisation blurs the line between many communities and brings both benefits and drawbacks. The matter is that people have the same trends and habits in daily life facets like fashion, diet and media. Some might percei
In the contemporary era of globalization, remarkable shifts are occurring across various facets of life, including fashion, entertainment, cuisine, and lifestyle habits. While some perceive these trends as fostering a se
Many aspects of culture and people's lifestyles are becoming increasingly similar throughout the world. Although this trend has some benefits, I would agree that the disadvantages are more noteworthy.
Nowadays, the countries keep the same ads, brands, and TV shows and share the same style of food, deleting big barriers between countries. This essay agrees with the idea that the benefits outweigh the negative aspects,
Countires are becoming more similiar each day. They have a lot in common in fashions, business, food, and entertainment. Although this trend has some benefits, I reckon its drawbacks overcome its advantages.
Nowadays more and more people, cultures, countries are becoming similar to each other. Every small things can be highly popular in many countries at the same time. Let us understand is this globalization good or nor for
Nowadays, cultural globalization can be seen throughout the world. In the most recent times, around the world people contribute in the same dressing fashion along with advertising, food habits and TV channels. However, t
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