IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, there has been a dramatic change in children's activities around the globe which helps them to acquire logical , analytical, and reasoning skills and a lot more. There are now a plethora of activities such as v
It is believed that better skills and more creativity can be boosted by participating in some interesting activities with a kid rather than reading either a book or on the internet . In my aspect, I partially agree with
There is no denying the fact that parents are the backbone for their kids and they have the significant influence on them. Some people, however, deem that playing with childrens have better effect rather than reading boo
In recent years, there has been a growing debate about whether engaging in enjoyable activities with children fosters better skills and creativity compared to reading. While reading undoubtedly has its merits, I firmly b
The debate surrounding the ideal approach to childhood development often pits enjoyable activities against reading. While engaging in fun pastimes undoubtedly fosters valuable skills and creativity, reading remains an es
It is undeniable that reading a book is highly beneficial for a child as it helps them accumulate various knowledge. However, some people argue that doing outdoor adventures with their offspring is more favorable when it
Parents throughout the world place spend time reading with their offspring to prepare them for school where their literary knowledge is further developed; however, recent research suggests that focusing on reading at an
Nowadays parents introduce activities combined with joy and creativity for their offspring to develop different abilities rather than just reading. I totally agree that children should be exposed to different and funny w
Nowadays parents introduce activities cobined by joy and creativity for their offsprings to develope different abilities rather than just read. I totally agree that children should be expose to different and funny ways t
Nowdays, kids have more resources for learning. There are people who think that child creativity will be more effective through activity learning than reading. I support this view which I will explain in this essay.
Reading is well-known across the world. Humankind believes it to be one of the easiest ways to nourish communication and intellectual skills. Next, with the introduction of extra co-curricular activities, people's perspe
It is argued that children can obtain more knowledge and creativity from entertainment instead of books. I completely agree with this statement because learning in a pleasurable way is easier to keep children’s interest
Leisure activities play an essential role in skill development. Participating in a recreational activity with a kid helps to improve capabilities and brings more innovation as compared to reading books. I personally agre
No one can deny that education serves a great purpose in life. However, an argument may rise among the public on whether education should be delivered to children in theory or in practice. In this essay, I will show how
Most people believe that doing fun activities can help children to build great skills as well as can make them more creative rather than reading books. Although reading plays a crucial part in the life of children, I w
Engaging in enjoyable activities with children can enhance their skills and creativity more than reading. In my opinion, spending quality time with children can provide numerous benefits that improve their abilities in m
There is no denying the fact that the main impact of doing activities with the kids is debatable. While it is a commonly held belief that practising entertaining activities with the children can help them to develop mor
The most effective way for a child to develop their skills and creativity is doing an activity with enjoyment rather than reading. I firmly agree with this because through doing an activity a child can explore the prac
In the modern world only, theoretical education will not help to grow, kids need to be taught games which will increase their interest and they can develop a liking towards them. In this essay I will discuss with example
If we perform fun activities with a kid, it will be more beneficial in the development of his skills and creativity rather than simply reading. I completely agree with this given statement. Children tend to enjoy interac
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