IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Establishing a good work environment is essential for every buisness. It is sometimes argued that building strong bonds with other colleageus are not necessary, as the main goal is to concentrate on the work. I completel
Society is becoming busier and busier every day. It is generally claimed that employees should focus on their job duties while building relationships is not crucial.
It is generally claimed that employees should focus on their job duties while building relationships is not crucial.
These days,public has been going on over whether Making relationships in different places is important to grow your business and make yourself confident.l tend to believe that create friendship is something benefit in an
These days,public has been going on over whether Making relationships in different places is important to grow your business and make yourself confident.l tend to believe that create friendship is something benefit in an
Every worker needs to feel comfortable in their professional environment in order to be prolific. Therefore, this can only be achieved if the relations established between colleagues are close, which will lead to the per
Workplaces are often the second home of many people. In this evolving World a lot of people spend longer parts of the day in their offices etc as compared to their homes. Individuals with different backgrounds, ethical g
In the workplace environment, it is commonly thought that making relationships with people there is not really significant as people must focus on goalsgoal such as working. I totally disagree with this assertion. Though
Some people opine that during, establishing good relationships at workplace is quite substancial. However, others argue that since work is worship, it is crucial to prioritise it over relations. This essay will elucidate
Some people opine that establishing good relationships in the workplace is quite substantial. However, others argue that since work is worship, it is crucial to prioritize it over relations. This essay will elucidate bot
The importance of maintaining professional relationships in the workplace is becoming increasingly popular in recent past years and has gained much more scholarly attention. Although the topic is debatable, as some peopl
In recent years, some people claim that building strong relationships should not be so vital in working place due to the individual aim of every human being is to concentrate on the responsibilities of their jobs. Others
People are always likely to have a good working atmosphere. Some people believe that the prime aim of an employee is to focus on work , rather than maintain relationships with colleagues.I moderately agree with the stat
It is a widely-held belief that the most significant aim for each employee at work is to concentrate on their responsibilities; however, making good relationships is not a matter of concern. I disagree with this notion b
It is a widely-held belief that the most significant aim for each employee at work is to concentrate on their tasks and making good relationships are not important. I disagree to this notion based on some grounds which w
Mutual-understanding among the employees play a crucial role in any organisation. However, it is considerded by some people that on work our first prority will be to complete our task with dedication rather than to make
Individuals have great opportunity to observe and learn manifold things at workplace as they meet various type of people there. It is belief that being friendly at workplace is not necessary because most conspicuous thin
It is commonly argued that the primary goal of every employee is to focus on their job duties while making friends in the workplace is not crucial . Although I agree that being productive at work is more important than
Inter-personal relationships are vital both in the personal and professional life. In this context, a stratum of people argue that the primary goal of employees is to focus on work, while being on good terms with their c
In nowaday’s society, relationships among workers have become suprinsingly important in the workplace. People tend to work hard to gain their desire wages and access to a better life standard. However, the main issue is
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