IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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No doubt, global warming is the main issue these days however often people argue that humans are the main reason behind this problem. In this essay , I will briefly explain some factors to save the Ecosystem by authori
it is certainly true that humans activities have a harmful impacts on the evnironment in several forms. In this essay, I will disucss how humans effect the enviornment, and I will recommended some measures can be taken b
Human activities have caused significant damage to the environment, leading to pollution, loss of biodiversity, and climate change. In my opinion, dressing those pressing issues, the government needs to action by impleme
Nowadays, together with the development of society, humans are impacting directly the environment. It can be good or bad factors that lead to consequences that exist for many years in the future. Humans are responsible
People are responsible for a variety of environmental matters, but we can also take steps to reduce the damage that we bring to the planet. This essay will analyze the root causes of damaging environmental problems and
In this fast-moving world, humans are becoming the main cause posing serious threats to the environment by contamination, but we are also seeking some way to curtail the damage. In this ,essay I will discuss both issues
It is a fact that humans need to take responsibility for a wide range of environmental problems. However, we can also take steps to reduce the damage that we are causing to the planet. This essay will analyze the root ca
Nowadays, environmental degradation is being an acute problem worldwide, particularly in urban areas, thanks to human activities. To deal with this problem, governments in cooperation with individuals can take proper mea
it is a fact that the biggest threat to the environment is humans themselves. this essay will discuss the steps which governments and individuals should take to minimalise the damage to nature.
It is the fact that humans are responsible for environmental problems and we can definitely take steps to tackle the damage that we cause to the planet. This essay will discuss the environmental problems and measures tha
There is an argumentative notion heating a debate over the fact that the environment is harmed by people’s improper actions . This essay is dedicated to the underlying roots, followed by some far-reaching remedies of bo
there are controversial perspective heating debate over Humans responsibility to a variety of environmental problems.This essay will discuss environmental problems and how government and individual people can do to prote
In contemporary society, a distressing tendency is the interesting serious environmental problems by human activities in several ways. Although there are various underlying reasons for this trend, I believe that those is
Along with the boom of the globalized world, people somehow bring a detrimental effect on mother nature and habitats. It is true that the habitat is being devastated at an alarming rate. The reasons for this phenomenon a
These days, people are damaging the environment in many ways. Therefore, the ministry should undertake this issue, however, public should also do something on its own. In subsequent paragraphs, this essay shall discuss e
We are living in the salad days of the millennium with technology growing beyond the leaps and bounds. However, the modern lifestyle had repercussions. One of the important victim of the globalisation was natural habitat
It is often considered by a group of individuals that the children would select their own choices on daily routines like food, clothes and fun activities, it makes them think that they only fulfilling their own desires.
Humans are responsible for destroying the environment. A variety of environmental problems are caused by the community but we can take steps to reduce these problems. This essay will discuss
Nowadays, people damaging the earth in various ways. Using plastics, littering forests and etc. can be the reasons. However, necessary measures can be taken by both governments and individuals to prevent further destruc
Today, this world is facing many environmental issues due to the damage done by humans to the environment. This problem is getting serious and humans as individuals and at the government level should take the necessary s
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