IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is widely acknowledged that nature has an inextricable relationship with human life. Therefore, the deterioration of the ecological balance in recent decades has taken a heavy toll on human life. This essay will demon
For few thousand of years humans are destroying the natural balance. Air pollution, desertification is examples of people effects on the environment. In this essay we look at the above problems and some solutions that
For few thousand ,years humans are destroying the natural balance. Air pollution, desertification is examples of people effects to the environment. In this essay we look at the above problems and some solutions that p
A isgroup of people is harmful to the environment. In this ,essay I will discuss how the goverment identify these problems and what can general people do. Firstly i will give some real-life examples of environmental pro
The environmental problems and humans’ impact on them have been heated up these days. In this essay I explain who humans can destroy the environment, then I will talk about governments and individual people who can deal
Humans are responsible for a variety of environmental problems, but we can also take steps to reduce the damage that we are causing to the planet. This essay will discuss environmental problems and the measures that g
Environmental devastation is a rising concern across the globe. There are several reasons leading to this catastrophe such as people living patterns and behaviours. The government and people can take precautionary action
It is true that people contribute to the environment pollution in various ways, while both governments and individual people can take steps to tuckle these problems
Environmental damage is a rising concern across the globe. There are several reasons leading to this damage such as people living patterns and behaviours. The government and people can take precautionary actions in a col
The line graph illustrates the types and amount of fast food consumed by Australian teenagers over a 25 years period from 1975 to 2000. Initially, Australian teenagers enjoyed eating pizza more than the rest of fats foo
It is undeniable that human beings are harming the ecosystem, but we can also tackle the problems. This essay will discuss how the damage is caused and the measures that we can take to protect our world.
It is true that humans are indeed destroying the global environment at an accelerated phase, but I believe we can take some measures to address this problem. This essay will discuss factors that lead to environmental iss
The global environment is indeed deteriorating at an accelerated pace, but we can also take measures to reduce the damage that we are causing to the planet. In this essay, I will discuss several factors that lead to envi
Humans have been ruining the environment for the last two decades and people get suffer a lot than ever before. However, this essay discusses what are the steps ministry will do this issue? what can be done ,individual
The global environment is damaged by humans' activities. These activities include gas emission, water contamination, air pollution and others. Without actions from the government and individuals, it is highly unlikely th
The environment is constantly damaged by mankind. It has been caused by exploiting and polluting its natural resources. However, this scenario can be limited by a joint effort of both government and people. The authority
Due to the rapid increase in technology and the population, we are directly affecting nature. Nowadays, society is damaging the surrounding environment for future expansions which leads to environmental changes. This ess
Due to the rapid increase in technology and , population we are directly affecting nature. This essay will discuss the causes for imbalance in flora and fauna and also how governments and individuals can overcome
Due to the rapid increase in technology and ,population we are directly affecting nature.This essay will discuss the causes for imbalance in flora and fauna and also how governments and individuals can overcome such
The issue of human beings causing damage to mother nature is highly debated these days. In this essay we will discuss how are negatively effecting the atmosphere wih our day to day activities and what can be done by gove
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