It is widely observed that fewer people are walking regularly these days. This essay will explore the reasons behind this decline and suggest several measures to encourage more people to walk.
It is widely argued that people tend to lose the habit of walking regularly nowadays. This essay attempts to shed light on the driving factors behind this negative view before outlining several viable solutions that shou
In today’s fast-paced world, the issue of walking in daily life among fewer people has become a vital concern. It is said that the number of people walking daily has been decreasing gradually. However, this problem can b
In modern-day society, we witness only a small group of people who still prefer to go to their destination by walking, even when it is relatively close. This behaviour may be triggered by the road’s constructions that ar
In general, Sport is very important for human health but there are less of people who spend time doing sport or walking every day for some reason.In this essay, I will discuss and I will suggest solutions to encouragin
It is said that the number of people walking daily has been decreasing gradually. From my viewpoint, its roots might lie in the appearance of both modern means of transportation and sports. However, this issue can be tac
It is said that the number of people walking daily has been decreasing gradually. While there are numerous underlying reasons, its roots might lie in the popularity of modern means of transportation and sports. However,
Walking is the best exercise for the mind as well as for the body but ,unfortunately a number of people going for walk going down day by day and there are several reasons for it,like lack of time, not finding a company f
There is a controversial notion heating a debate over the fact that people are rarer to walk on a regular basis than before. This essay is devoted to analyzing the reasons and some tactics to encourage the community to w
theThere is a controversial notion heating a debate over the fact that people are rarer to walk on a regular than before. This essay is devoted to analyzing the reasons and some tactics to encourage the community to walk
The fact that people walk less and less has become a growing trend in many disparate parts of the world. Some explanations for this social issue will be put forwards before a number of steps can be taken to mitigate the
The fact that currently, people show less absorption in walking has become a growing trend in many disparate parts of the world. Some explanations for this social issue will be put forwards before a number of steps can b
In this technological era, taking daily steps is one of those points that are not considered as much as they should be. There are many reasons behind this issue but some actions can still be done to address this phenomen
In some countries, they are opting for a healthy life by taking up exercises and walking as the daily routine while in another, people are seeming becoming increasingly reluctant to have a walk regularly. As there are ce
Walking is one of most health beneficial excercise ,which not makes people fit and fine , it also improves the circulation of heart.But due to technoligical advancement in each and every sector , makes people lethargic a
It is true that, currently, fewer people walk than in the past. Obviously, this is because of car dependency and lack of facilities for walking; however, this can be effectively overcome by educating and constructing peo
People have different views about the role of each person in environmental problems. While there are strong arguments that the solutions lie in individuals are not effective, I believe that some problems should be tackle
In some countries they are opting for a healthy life by taking up exercises and walking as the daily routine while in another, people are seeming becoming increasingly reluctant to have a walk regularly. As there are cer
Walking is one of the useful exercises which lots of scientists recommended to people for becoming healthy. However, nowadays, fewer people are walking because of modern technology and boring activities. There are some s