IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Art is the backbone of any culture and its a way of expressing thoughts to other people. Nevertheless, in recent times, the majority of people are concentrating on science, technology, and business fields than the arts b
People's views have changed in recent centuries towards the importance of art in comparison with new days occupations; technology, science and jobs related. In the current ,essay I will explain some reasons why this emer
Art has had a pivotal role in the past, but in today's time, science, technology and business have taken over the importance of art. People are more willing to practice work related to other fields instead of art one. T
Art has played a vital role in all cultures in the world for a long time. However, it is said that science, technology and business are,nowadays, more crucial. In this essay, I will outline a number of reasons for this d
The generation we live in right now is more attentive to technology and computers and how to make more money from a business, while, from the old days' art is one of the major elements to represent cultures and history a
It is a trend that in today’s world, art has been no longer considered as important as in the past, and people tend to look at the science, technology, and businesses of a country to assess its culture and development. M
For thousands of years, craft has been taken into consideration as an integral part of society. However, in recent years, some more practical subjects such as technology, science, and business have drawn people's attenti
For thousands of years, art has been taken into consideration as an integral part of society. However, in recent years, some more practical subjects such as technology, science, and business have drawn people's attentio
There is an increasing concern regarding art as a precious cultural treasure being forgotten in the modern world and being substituted by technological and scientific approaches. There are certain reasons for this phenom
What probably has been changed in the resent years is changing people's tend from art to science, business and technology. In my opinion by changing the ways of earning money life style of people has recently been change
There is no doubt that art has been an important part of various cultures belonging to this world. It is believed that people these days are inclined more towards the field of technology, science and business rather than
Nowadays, human beings have experienced different forms of art in their daily life. Some art experts believe that the values of arts in the twenty-first century have changed and their importance has also decreased since
Art plays an important role in enriching culture all over the world. In recent years, people shifted their interest towards other fields like science, technology and business and considered ode significant than arts. I b
Art has been given great significance in all cultures around the globe for many decades.Whereas, these days, science, technology and business are considered more crucial than art because people have changed their values
It is often said that art was an indispensable section of all cultures for a long time on Earth. However ,these days human's values have transformed. Additionally ,we all tend to consider science ,technology besides busi
For years art had been viewed as an integral component that demonstrates cultural believes but recently people are taking a fresh look at it. Nowadays, the industry is being located above this talent. A great number of r
Nowadays, the interest in the art of the public has been reduced. Though art is seen as an unreplaceable part of human cultures and histories, other fields such as science and economy are now getting more and more attent
Nowadays, the interest in art of public has been reduced. Though art is seen as an unreplaceable part of human cultures and histories, other fields such as science and economic is now getting more and more attention and
Although it has been considered for many years that art had been the main part of all nationalities in the world, now humanity's views have changed, and people are suggested to appreciate science, high-tech devices and
Can we imagine the world without art? But nowadays society tends to show enormous interest in science and technology. Money is one of the reasons, as art as a profession earns less than other fields. There are feasible r
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