IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It has been observed that, every part of the planet had a great history for art, while having many differences between each culture. Presently developing with technology, Science and modern business, the community are
In this modern era, people have to live better advancement automation and system rather than arts-based, before the invention of technology art has been thought an underrated aspect of to around the world. But, these day
Currently, society is showing more and more interest in science and technology, than in art. This phenomenon is facilitated by a number of reasons and the governments should take certain measures to solve it.
Currently, people are showing more and more interest in science and technology, than in art. This phenomenon is facilitated by a number of reasons and the governments should take certain measures to solve it.
Since the beginning of human history, art has been considered one of the main sources to express emotions and share experiences. With the help of music, painting, acting, dancing, or writing, society finds a way of expre
In the past, it can be seen that many people considered art as an important role for all cultures around the world. Nevertheless, they turn to give more important roles for science, technology, and business nowadays. The
In the past and for many peoples, art had been considered a fundamental part of the culture around the world due to its importance and utility to society. However, with the advances in the fast-paced world, other fields
As time goes by, it is considered that the general stressed values should be practical such as science rather than arts by some people. Though it is understandable their point of view in some ways, aesthetic values still
Art is a considerable cultural heritage that depicts uniqueness and mirrors national features, traditions and customs. Although its significance, engaging of people and their interest in art is in decline recent years, w
There is no doubt that art is a considerable cultural heritage that depicts mirrors national features, traditions and customs in the world. Nevertheless, people are becoming more interested in advanced technology, scienc
The pie chart illustrates the career avenues of Anthropology graduates after completing their undergraduate course. The table depicts the scale of income levels of them after 5 years of work experience.
People’s values are driven by the market. Today, the innovations in science and technology and the expansion of businesses are constantly offering people career opportunities with high job security. In comparison, the a
Present day world into fast track about development of science, technology and business, and frogetting value of arts which played importent part for long time. This essay will dexplore the reasons behind this trend and
In this modern society, many people believe subjects such as science, technology and business are more crucial than art, which used to be an important part of all cultures globally. In this essay, I will discuss some rea
For a long time art has been considered an essential part of all cultures in the world. However, nowadays people’s values have changed, and we tend to consider science, technology and business more important than arts.
The significance of art has decreased when compared to primitive times and it is evident that the value for corporate, science and technology has increased drastically over the period. This essay will discuss the factors
At present, the significance of arts as the part of a culture is enormously lower as compared to the past times. This situation arises due to the introduction of modern science, technology and business studies, which att
Art was considered an integral part of communities and valued for centuries. However, with the change of time values change, the art does not attract the human’s eye anymore. Instead, people started to consider science,
Art was considered an integral part of communities all over the world and valued for centuries. However, with time the value of art dropped and people started to consider science, technology and buisness sectors to be mo
Art has been an integral part of communities although time has changed so as people's values.Therefore art Lifesaving medical researchs and life comforting technologies like mobile phones and automobiles and financial
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