IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Computers were invented not so long time ago. Even one decade ago, we didn't use this technology as much as we use it today. Nowadays, computers play a massive role in our lives. Because of that, there are some people wh
Historically, the ability to read, write and do mathematics have been one of the most significant education disciplines. These are the three basic skills expected to be learnt and used in daily lives. However, with the i
The traditional material of education including reading, writing and maths is being speculated to shift by many, with a growing regard for desktop computer science as a necessary concept, a new idea in training students.
People argue whether schools must add computer skills as the main skills besides reading, writing, and math or not. In this essay, I absolutely agree with the statement that computer skills should be practiced since elem
The traditional material of education including reading, writing and maths is being speculated to shift by many, with a growing regard for computer science as a necessary concept, a new idea in training students. In this
Historically, being able to read, write and numerate was considered a major part of the educational process. Since the development of the internet, many people believe that computer literacy must be included. I would sup
Historically, literacy was considered the major part of educational process. Since the development of the internet, many people believe that computer literacy must be added. I would share this opinion as the modern world
The ubiquity of computers is undeniable, it plays a crucial role in changing enormously the way we work. Some people claim that computer skills should be the fourth necessary skill going hand in hand with reading,writing
In this modern era, the invention of modern technology has made people's lives easier. Computers, laptops, smartphones, and iPads are becoming daily necessities nowadays. Some individuals opine that computer studies shou
I am of the personal belief that digital literacy should be considered as a fourth essential skill of education, alongside reading, writing, numeracy, and mathematics, and such an opinion is largely based on the reasons
Computer has become a great demand in education in the last decades. Computer skill is considered the fouth requisted skill along with writing,readind and maths.I firmly opine that technology learning is an essential d
Nowadays, Thailand is tackling the air pollution problem due to the situation of pm 2.5. Such issue affects directly to people's health. Due to the cancellation of the constitution of the kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2550,
Along with the outstanding development of society, computers are very popular and it plays a crucial role in working and studying. Some people claim that computer skills should be the fourth necessary skill going hand in
In modern-day societies, being able to use a computer is, without a doubt, an essential qualification. For that reason, many argue that having these skills should be the fourth sector of education, along with literacy an
In modern-day societies, being able to use a computer is, without a doubt, an essential qualification. For that reason, many argue that having these types of skills should be the fourth sector of education, along with li
Education have various parts. We must learn and master all of it. And because of electronic have been upgrading the use of computer is widely known. I agree that computer skills should be part of our education.
In the last century, people are starting to realize the significance of computer skills, in fact, some of them believe that it is as much important as other educational skills, such as reading, writing and math as well,
For the past 100 years, Reading, Writing and Math took place as the important skills in education, Now the skills of computers are top-notching people who argue that computer skills should place as the fourth important p
For ages,in terms of education curriculum subjects such as math,writing and reading plays crucial roles in the sociaty.It is undeniable that computers have become an essential part of our life.Nevertheless,some people be
From time immemorial, a vital aspect of learning has been centred on English literacy and arithmetic while a hand full of folks are of the opinion that soft skills be introduced as a fourth subject in schools since our w
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