IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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So important is the issue small amount of the population gains more earnings, and there were two perspectives coming from 2 sides comnunity one agreed and another disagreed need the parliament to acquiesce in each rank.
In a certain amount of nations, there is a small portion of the population which receives an exorbitant income compared to the rest of the citizens. There is some dispute whether this is beneficial to the country, or if
The concepts of this were divided into two sides. Some people think that individual classwork will help more to their children, but on the other hand other people think with accurately, on the contrary.
There are individuals who get huge salaries. Regarding this, people are divided into two groups with different opinions. First one thinks that it benefits a country, while the other one believes there must be a salary li
In this modern and economically strong era, a few portion of people can earn extremely high salaries. Proponents believe that this is good for a country's economy and GDP. However, there are opponents of this viewpoint w
In some countries, people earn higher salaries and think good for their own country and themselves, and another countries they contend it and believe that equal salaries to every citizens.
People's opinions differ as to it is whether or not advantageous for countries to have citizens gaining a huge sum of revenue. While it is argued that governments should restrict extraordinary salaries, I personally beli
The advent of technology has been a significant factor in the introduction of enormous job opportunities, hence, people are earning an excellent amount of money. It is generating a country's revenue and promoting superio
For working class high salaries is a pretty good thing because makes more rich the middle class which is the mainly class that movements a country. A country to be rich don't necessary must have accounting millioners and
It is common to see that only a few people own 99% resources of the country and gain more returns from it. This phenomenon causes an economic cycle that increases the gap between the rich and the poor. For the great majo
In modern world, we are frequently discussing about business and money. And extremely high salaries one of them. Some people say that earning high salary it is good for country, whereas others claim that government shoul
It is commonly observed that a few people receive outrageous earnings in some countries. This subject is a contention between people. A group opines it is good for the nation whilst others suggest the law-making bodies s
Nowadays some people earn unexpectedly high salaries. It is argued by some people that this money could benefit the country by supporting the economy. While others think that countries should make use of the money instea
The topic at hand revolves around the debate between two perspectives regarding the benefits of a small group of individuals earning exorbitant incomes versus the belief that local authorities should impose limitations o
Nowadays, some people deserve high salaries because of their curriculum vitae. It is considered by many that gaining a high annual income is good for the country. In contrast, some people think it affects the countries'
Nowadays, people in high positions around the world earn more than others in other roles. But the most effective method for dealing with this is by looking at why they earn much more than others. Some people believe that
It is admittedly true that people want a luxurious lifestyle that is why they work hard to earn money. Some individuals believe the government should control and limit the amount of individuals' money. In my opinion, In
It is admittedly true that paying high salaries can give extra motive among the employes while others believe that authority should control salaries. In this essay I am going to examing the question from both of view and
The wealth gulf between the haves and have-nots has widened to a certain extent across the globe, which fuels a debate about whether it is beneficial to our society or should restrict the rich from earning more money. Fr
Some people are paid high wages in many countries. Its commonly believed that it will be beneficial for the nation, while many argue that the country should restrict the salary earned by citizens. I believe that it has a
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