IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Governments regulate multiple activities for a society to function in harmony. Some individuals contend that the practice of a select few earning significantly larger paychecks is beneficial for the nation. However, crit
It is increasingly common for a minority of people to earn excessively high monthly income in different countries nowadays. While some argue that this can be beneficial for the overall national economy, others; however,
No one can deny that earning a decent salary is one of the most important motives to work efficiently. Some people believe that intelligent and highly talented individuals must earn high salaries, while I think the gover
There are fewer people who are paid more money than other people. Even though others believe that the administration should not permit high salaries, Even though it has some beneficial effects for the company,.
In many countries around the world, a small segment of the population commands exorbitant salaries that far surpass the earnings of the average citizen. This phenomenon has sparked a contentious debate, with some advocat
Your properties show your reputation in society. Some say that, earning the highest income is beneficial for the government and other opponents say that there should be caps on earnings. I assert that earnings should
In several nations, minority of residents earn completely handsome-salary. Many hold the belief that this is bring positive for the country while others own the opinion that governments should set a limit on high salarie
In modern times, owing to national economic growth, there is a belief that a minority of people becoming richer and richer with their high wages could develop countries, while other people think that authorities should r
It is undeniable that the most important factor for a country or an organisation's development is human resources. It is possible to have a few people who earn extremely high salaries because their contributions are valu
These days, high salaries are earned by a small number of communities. While this benefits the country by boosting the economy, restricting salaries to a certain level could get rid of an unequal distribution of wealth.
People's wages always have been one of the top discussion topics over the years. Some people argue that only small part of the population recieves a valuable high salary, which is beneficial for the country itself, other
There is a debate about the high wages of little amount of workers. Some say it is for the benefit of their community while other argue that it is the authority's duty to balance salaries in particular scale. In this ess
A few individuals earn considerably high wages in some states. People in group one think that this situation is beneficial for countries while group two of people support the idea that authorities should control wages an
Nowadays, although some people are earning uncountable money from their businesses, plenty of individuals criticize the situation due to its harm in countries, others advocate that a few people should continue earning go
Nowadays, although some people are earning uncountable money from their business, plenty of indviduals criticize the situation due to its harm in countries, others advocate that a few people should remain earning good mo
People are rewarded with exorbitant amount of payments for their work in some of the nations. While some sections of individuals say that this is positive development but others believe that this practice should be disco
Most countries give their civilians an average salary, but some civilians receive a lot of money. They believe that it is very optional for the country, but others believe that government must set an average amount salar
These maps illustrate haw the village of Ryemouth was developed in a 30-year period. Overall, it can be seen from these pictures that village has been numerous changed during these three decades such as destroying fish m
The most debatable argument worldwide is about the salary earned in various sectors of our community. Few arguments support how the earnings of an individual can be justified equivalence of their type of work and benefic
The most debatable argument worldwide is about the income earned in various sectors of our society. Few arguments support how the earning of an individual can be justified equivalence of their type of work and beneficial
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