IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Our society is loaded with gigantic predefined norms, some of which are indescribable. One such notion refrains from involving children in any kind of paid work. Whilst, in various cultures it is considered as an unpleas
Working to earn bread and butter is said to be one of the oldest social practise of a majority of Ancient civilizations as per the Historians. Although in modern times, child labour is treated as a criminal offence in mo
Nowadays, in many countries, kids are involved in various kinds of paid jobs. some people reckon this thing as a wrong activity, while a few view it as a platform to enhance the work experience, prominent for learning a
Learning practical skills at a very young age is really an achievement yet certain people consider it inappropriate whereas another set of human acknowledges it as an important lesson because it guides the youngster to b
The issue of children doing paid work is really complex and has been discussed over for many years. Regarding to this controversial topic people usually divide into two groups: one that thinks that children should not wo
In several countries, there is an allowance for children joining the workforce. While there are certainly valid arguments to the contrary, I personally believe that this tendency plays a crucial role on the future of chi
In several countries, there is an allowance for children to join the workforce. While there are certainly valid arguments to the contrary, I personally believe that this tendency play a crucial role on the future of chi
In many parts of the world , the young nowadays are likely to embark on working with salary. Therefore, many people think that it is totally not suitable, others believe that ones can gain precious practical knowledge fr
In several nations, adolescents are involved in some kind of paid activities. Some experts opine that this phenomenon is not suitable for the future of the children and the others oppose that it is tremendously useful fo
It is argued by some people that children should not evolve in premature salaried works, as they tends that it is totally wrong. While, others claimed that this is an appropriate chance for children to make themselves we
It is a common practice in many nations that youngsters getting paid for their work in different fields. Though few people think that this is not good, others, including me, believe that this gives the children an impor
Recently, the number of children engaged in some kind of paid work has increased in the world. There are several reasons for this phenomenon. The first reason is the poor financial situation in families. Children try to
As a widespread fact, gaining work experience is crucial in today's society. Many children participate in such paid business so that they can benefit from it. Some argue that having some job experience is grist for the m
Children in many countries are doing a paid job so that they can maintain the family necessities. Some people believe that children should focus on studying than working, whilst the opposite opinion saying that it is a g
It is a common thing in many countries where children have a certain work as a part time job. Some of the society thinks that it is an improper thing while the others believe that it can give them valuable experience, op
Children in many states are involved in various types of a paid job. There are people who are not in favour of this, and said that it has a detrimental effect in youngster’s life, while others are of the opinion that it
The question whether young pupils must be involved in paid work was a heated topic of controversy. While some people claim that it is fully pointless, I am in agreement with those who are in favour of encouraging schoolc
People have different thoughts on children work. Some believe that working on an odd jobs are a waste of energy and time. Whereas, others feel that this work generates the experience and knowledge in children. This essay
People have different thoughts on children work. Some believe that working on an odd jobs are waste of energy and time. Whereas, others feel that this work generates the experience and knowledge in children. This essay w
Nowadays, people are becoming more aware about the activities which helps in the children’s growth. Some people opine that involves the child in the part time jobs which provides them a money and an experience that becom
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