IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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More people are following a vegetarian diet in some countries. I believe that the advantages of harming fewer animals and getting rid of diseases that are caused by consuming meat are outweighed by the disadvantages. The
In particular areas, having a vegetarian diet is becoming more popular now. Although eating vegetables can help us protect animals, I do believe that the disadvantages outweigh it because vegetarians do not have a balan
In some countries, it is becoming increasingly common for people to follow a vegetarian diet. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
For a healthy life, diet plays a significant role in someone's life. It is generally believed that, in many countries, citizens follow a pure vegetarian diet and this trend is going popular among them. It has an ample of
Nowadays, part of the world many people tend to change their normal diets to vegetarian diet. Although, vegetarian diet can be advantageous for a healthy life style, it can harmfull for the body in many ways due to lack
Nowadays, part of the world many people tend to change their normal diets to vegetarian diet. Although, vegetarian diet can be advantageous for a healthy life style, it can harmfull for the body in many ways due to lack
Nowadays, in some nations, the amount of vegetarian individuals is increasing significantly. Despite, its causes of deficiency of nutrients in the body, I believe that the merits of reducing fat and obesity is really cru
Following a vegetarian diet is becoming very popular in some nations. Although without meat it is hard to get the required amount of protein, I believe that the benefits of consuming high fibre and low saturated fat whil
In some nations, following a vegetarian diet is becoming more popular. Although having a vegetarian diet can help to protect animals, I believe that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages because they do not incorpora
following vegetarian diets now very common in some places, althought it has a lot of drawbacks due to you do not get more protein and lose your weight which some people like to remain fat,however it has good affects o
Vegetarian diet is becoming increasingly common for people in some nations. This essay argues that despite the fact that a vegetarian diet may not provide all essential nutrients to body, I believe that there are more ad
In few countries, the population of vegetarians is increasing rapidly. Although this trend might be a cause of unemployment among a particular group whose livelihood is dependent on the meat business; this essay thinks t
Nowadays, there are lots of different food options. Many people choose to not eat meat in their meals. However, there are both pros and cons to deciding to do this. In this essay, I will discuss some of the reasons why m
In many places around the world, people are choosing to follow a vegetarian diet. The disadvantages are that meat-related businesses are being badly impacted, and it can cause protein deficiency in people. The advantages
In many nations, it is becoming increasingly common for every individual to follow a vegetarian diet because It is very beneficial for the human body and Food is the first priority of our life as well as here, many disad
In some nations, it is becoming more and more popular for individuals to follow a vegetarian diet. In my opinion, the merits of vegetarian diet outweigh the demerits because vegetarian diet provide healthy lifestyle as w
In some nations, it is becoming more and more popular for individuals to follow a vegetarian diet. In my opinion, the merits of a vegetarian diet outweigh the demerits because a vegetarian diet provides a healthy lifesty
Many adolescents own smart devices. This essay argues that despite the main advantage of this being that they have the ability to stay in contact with their parents, I believe that there are more disadvantages as this c
The practice of following a vegetarian diet is ascending among people in various nations. This essay argues that the demerit of this is humans likely to consume less amount of protein, while I believe that the merits of
It is observed that vegetarians are increasing in numbers in some countries. Although following a vegetarian diet would help protect animals, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages because the body would not get all t
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