IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Youngsters in some societies give a chance by education systems to have an occupation or go abroad before starting to study at universities. Although this idea has some benefits such as gaining more knowledge and skills.
Youngsters in some societies give a chance by education systems to have a job or go abroad before starting study at universities. Although this idea has some benefits. I believe the drawbacks are greater.
Youngsters in some societies give a chance by education systems to have a job or go abroad before start study in universities. Although this idea have some beneficial. I believe the drawbacks are greater.
The author explains that Antismoking campaign which targeted for young people is successful all over Midwestern cities according to the survey. However, the lecturer says that it’s deceptive if we don’t evaluate it caref
In recent years, there are many students want to gap for a year after they finished high school. Some people think it is an opportunity to increase own life skills and relax. But another people think we should not to do
Some people said that it is good for young people to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Here is my opinion.
Nowadays, the educational system has become more flexible towards students. The new questions have been occured about the effects of obtaining a gap between secondary education and tertiary education periods on students.
Some nations motivate their students to take a sabbatical year so as to take a job or travel right after graduating from secondary school, and before they enroll in tertiary institutions. There are some benefits and draw
Nowadays, adolescents are inspired to job or travel for a year between finishing high school and university studies. In my opinion, the benefits of this concept far exceed the drawback for minor improvement who decide t
The opinions in countries are divided into two parts about encouraging high school juniors to apply for a job or travel for one year after graduating from high academy immediately. Hence, some claim that taking a gap ye
It is not uncommon that some youngsters take a long time off for working or experiencing travel before entering a tertiary level course as they believe the experience is beneficial to them in many ways. However, there ar
Before the onset of higher-level education, students are largely pushed for a year-long hiatus to explore the world and earn some extra cash. There are both pros and cons in moving forward with this idea, and I will disc
In some cultures, high school leavers are encouraged to embark on adventures before new-start. This tendency is not only in rich people going on holiday for pleasure but also in poor people working for earning money duri
Many young people around the world take a year off between finishing high school and beginning university to travel or to work. Although this can have many advantages like gaining real-life experience, it can also mean f
A gap year between college and campus has become increasingly popular among students recently and it is promoted by educational authorities. This one-year period, either to roam around the world or engage in employment
At the present time, teenagers are motivated to work or have a trip for a year between graduating from high school and going to a university in several countries. Some benefits and drawbacks are explained and illustrated
In this century, it is a popular trend for teenagers to be willing to go to work or go on a journey for a certain time before attending tertiary education when they completed their secondary education. This essay will s
Nowadays, students who graduate from high school are allowed to work or travel during a gap year before continuing to university. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of taking a gap year to work or travel
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