Surviving in modern society has become more challenging and competitive, especially with young ones who have to compete for optimal academic results and constantly learn new soft skills. To encourage children to overcome
Nowadays, many parents, especially Asian ones, tend to educate their children to always try hard because as long as they do so, they certainly will be successful. I think there are many advantages as well disadvantages t
Modern society structures its citizens pre-determined by a path with a set of predesigned milestones; counterintuitively, these steps have become more challenging in a competitive world. To encourage children to overcome
In certain cultures, children are often told that if they strive to work hard they can achieve anything they wish. By perpetuating this idea to children, it could shape their perspective about their goals and work hard t
For someone to achieve their goals in life, there should be passion, motivation, commitment and hard work. If all these are not there, it will be difficult to achieve anything. In some cultures, children are told to work
nowadays in some countries, people taught their children that hard work can achieve their dreams. in this essay I am going to discuss the negative and positive sides of the matter. ,Also give my own opinion. to begin ,wi
In this day and age, there are many parents who place pressure on their children. Therefore, some of them usually instil in their children that if they try hard enough, they will be able to achieve any goals they want.
Is it right to tell children they can achieve by trying hard? In some countries, children are often told that they can achieve anything if they try hard enough. Giving this message to them can produce several effects on
Nowadays, there is a common trend in many nations that children are told they can get whatever they want if they put effort into it. In this essay, I will discuss the pros and cons of this matter. j
In today’s world, there are many opinions regarding working hard and being successful. It is believed that hard-working children are capable to achieve whatever they aim for. This essay will focus on both benefits and dr
Trying hard and achieving every goal you set is a part of some nation's education for children. This method has positive and negative sides as teaches to young generation to do their best but if they do not achieve th
These days, parents seem to be more concerned about their children's bright future as compared to the past. Convincing youngsters that they can achieve anything through hard work is becoming extremely common in some coun
In many countries, people believe that their children might be able to achieve if they push themselves enough. This statement must be considered with its benefits and drawbacks. Children might learn how to keep up with h
In some culture ,pupils most of the time receives a message that by doing strenuous work it is possible for them to attain anything they want. Though this message has some merits because it helps pupils to be mentally st
The importance of parenting culture that excellent things could be reached only by the work flat out which was always debatable has now become more controversial with many people claiming that it is beneficial while othe
In a few societies, youngsters are frequently advised that if they put in a tremendous amount of effort they can accomplish anything at all. Firstly this essay will discuss motivation being the resultant lasting advantag
The harder we try, the more we gain, it has been the most popular statement in recent years in many societies. In fact , the majority of people believe that, by making the motivation for their children they can assist th
In many nations, there is a situation in that children introduce massive exercises and hard work because someone told them that they would be able to attain everything if they do these. It is true that some goals, achiev
Actually, boys under ten years old are overstimulated, because they have different teaching and learning methods. Across the globe rise a new tendency that say they can achieve anything in their lives if work hard.