IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In some nations, kids claim that they can have accomplishments in any topic if they make so much effort. This sentence has two aspects which consist of benefits and drawbacks. Each of them is related to psychological mat
In today’s society, the rise of effort-oriented awareness has led to children being taught that hard work can achieve anything they want. These perspectives can contribute to various impacts on children; therefore, this
These day children have a lot of screen time that effect their reading and writing skills. This essay completely agrees with that statement. I believe the parents concerned about their children forgetting their expertise
In the some countires, parents and teachers provide the opportunities to the kids and young poeple because parents believe that their children can complete the any tasks if they are hard work to do it. In my opinion, it
t is certainly true that children are always informed in some cultures that they can get anything if they work hard . There are merits and demerits to providing the message to them. I have given details below.
Nowadays, youngsters are being told that if they try hard, they can fulfil every dream that they have. I believe the advantages corresponding to this issue are more considerable than the minor disadvantages.
In some areas, younger generations are often given the importance of dedication to achieve what they want. In the writer’s opinion, this advice allows child to achieve goals in their academics. This essay will discuss th
There is a general consensus that positive thinking can help to overcome barriers. Some people believe that if a child is assured of success due to hard work, they will accomplish it. This essay will delve into the advan
In certain parts of the world, kids are being told that they can succeed in everything if they put much effort.There are merits and demerits to giving this advice to children.This essay will discuss the positive and nega
In many cultures, children are raised with the saying (if you try hard enough everything is achievable), I am going to discuss the pros and cons of planting this idea in the minds of children and why I am opposed to it.
In many cultures, the children are raised with the saying (if you try hard enough every thing is achievable), I am going to discuss the pros and cons of planting this idea in the mindes of children and why I am opposed t
It is argued among others , the way we encourge our children . there are different aspects regarding this subject , however in this essay, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages in various levels , whether from
It is true that in certain countries, children are educated by parents or guardians that they can get anything they want in life if they work hard enough. While I understand that this phenomenon can bring about some bene
It is believed in several cultures that perseverance can lead to success in anything. This essay will shed light on its ups and downsides in the further discussion.
In some nations, children are informed that they work hard to gain anything. The subsequent paragraphs will explore some the benefits and drawbacks of informing children that they try hard to get anything.
Some cultures encourage children to try hard for their dreams to make them true. Although being passionate can make children achieve their goals, it can have some negative impacts on their lives. This essay will discuss
In some countries, people claim that children can make any achievements as long as they put enough effort into those tasks.This essay will expound on the both upsides and downsides of this attitude.
Some people claim that encouraging children to work hard to reach their goals is a must in this modern-day, while others have a different view on that. The following essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of this
This statement that individuals can gain everything if they make an effort into them is from some cultures. this sentence has more cons than pores, in this essay I will explain merits and demerits, therefore I have elabo
There are many countries that claim children can make achievements as long as they put enough effort into those tasks. In my opinion, this statement brings both advantages and disadvantages.
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