IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In several nations, the role of the elderly is emphasized due to their wide range of experiences, whereas other countries believe that the youth is far more crucial because of their initiatives for future developments. T
The diversity of age makes our world flourish vibrantly. With their unique upbringing, each generation can bring immense contributions, but also challenges to our humanity. While elders are well respected in some culture
The diversity of age makes our society flourishing vibrantly. With their unique upbringing, each generation can bring immense contributions, but also challenges to our society. While elders are well respected in some cul
Although in many regions worldwide old people are valuable, in different civilizations youngest have a major importance. In my opinion, I agree with the last statement and in this essay, I will discuss both points of vie
There is a belief that the old are more favourable than youngsters whereas other areas approve the opposition. It is the opinion of this writer that the youth should be the top priority rather than the old.
It is believed that aged people provide more wisdom and have more experience in comparison which is why they have respect from other age members of the some communities. However, youths are considered backbone of society
In many countries, aged people are more valued in a few societies by others, whereas in other nations young age people will receive more importance than old age people. In this essay, the writer will discuss two sides of
In various societies, while older people are considered an important part of society the younger generation is highly valued in the rest of the world. This essay will consider both views and then advocate the second view
Nowadays, debates about the value of age are common, with some using age as a measure of worth. The question of whether old age or youth holds more importance is often raised, but I believe both are significant albeit in
The generational phenomenon is concerned with the youth and senior citizens in society. In many cultures, it often held that older people play a more essential role than younger people and vice versa. I really believe th
Nowadays, some people think that old age is valued or forgotten and in other cultures youth is more important that it. In writer, will talk value of old age, youth age and give my opinion.
It is argued that in many places ancient age is still necessary, whereas some people say new building is rated more important. This writer will give both sides of that idea and my point of view.
In some nations, while the elder are treated as significant aspect of society, the young generation is highly appreciated in the rest of the world. This essay will examine both viewpoints and subsequently advocate the la
Aged people are more valued in a few societies by others, whereas in some different nations young age people will receive more importance than old age people. In this essay, I shall discuss point form both views before s
The aged population are more valued in a few societies by others, whereas in some different nations the public will receive more importance than old age in this essay. L shall discuss points from both views before changi
In some countries, while older people are considered an important part of society the younger generation is highly valued in the rest of the world. This essay will consider both view and then advocate the second view.
in some culture old people is important because of their life experiment . However, in some country youth is valued cause their ideal of creative and flexible. This writer will discuss both of opinions.
Some areas believe that the elderly are appreciated whereas others believe that adolescents are the need of cities. However, from prior experience, it is more beneficial to choose young people due to the creativity and
There is an opposition of point in some culture that youth and old age which is more vital for the community. I totally agree with the view that the youth play a crucial role in our world and this author discusses both v
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