IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is a controversial perspective heating up a debate whether means of transport should be automatic driving in the future. While there are abundant risky accidents that could take place; however, I suppose the disadv
In light of the advancements in automation technology, the number of unmanned vehicles is forecast to widely proliferate in the foreseeable future. While some argue that the potentially thriving autonomous vehicle indust
Using driverless vehicles is considered to be a controversial phenomenon that always draws great attention from publicity. While there are some advantages of this kind of vehicle, it seems to have much more apparent disa
In the coming years, all the cars, buses and trucks would run without any human drivers and hence, there will be only passengers accommodating these modes of transportation. Although, there are some downsides to this adv
The world now revolves around technology. From automatic vehicles to robotic teachers, AI driven machines are gaining popularity. Due to this, the possibility of driverless vehicles in future is acceptable. This advancem
According to progress in technology, it is possible that in the future using driverless vehicles will be a trend around the world. Although this could have some disadvantages, I think the advantages outweigh the disadvan
Technology advances are rising in their prevalence in human society, leading to numerous innovations that involve the message of the elimination of human effort in unnecessary work. That is why the driverless program was
In recent days, the demand goes outside of people is more and more numerous so the importance of choose vehicle is necessary. For my part, I believe that all cars, buses, and trucks will be driverless is an advantage.
It is predicted that drivers will be replaced by AI in almost all types of ground transportation and passengers are going to be the only human beings inside these cars and buses. I am convinced that the benefits of autop
Technology advancements will lead vehicles to be automatically driven in the next generation, and everyone on board will be passenger. Although there are substantiated arguments on both sides, I believe this is a positiv
Technology advancements will lead vehicles to be automatically driven in the next generation, and everyone onboard will be passengers. Although there are substantiated arguments on both sides, I believe this is a positiv
It is believed that the majority of the future vehicles will be self-driven, and drivers will no longer be needed on buses and lorries. Although there are substantiated arguments on both sides, I believe that the advanta
It is believed that majority of the future vehicles will be self-driven, and drivers will no longer be needed on buses and lorries. Although there are substantiated arguments on both sides, I believe that the advantages
In this tech-savvy modern world, the computerised automobiles are drastically increased in last semi-decade this includes semi-automated, and the automated driverless vehicles. Scientists believe that in the near future
By the blessings of science,technology has been advancing rapidly and the automation projects for all kinds of transportation in future will be the significant addition in the automated sector.Although new changes have b
In the coming years, transportation like buses and trucks will be driven without drivers. So that passengers can be travelled with driverless vehicles. In this essay, I will provide both advantages and disadvantages and
Currently, new technologies are developing in an unstoppable speed, making our life more comfortable. Furthermore, there is likely to be a futuristic world provided with non-driven automobiles. For this, I will support t
Currently, new technologies are developing at an unstoppable speed, making our life more comfortable. Furthermore, there is likely to be a futuristic world provided with non-driven automobiles. For this, this essay will
Technology in the automobile industry is developing at an exponential rate. With these advancements, it is possible that in the future all modes of road transportation would be driverless. In my opinion the merits of sel
Bearing this fact in mind that technology is improving all the time spontaneously, it has frequently been predicted that, we may have an opportunity to experience auto-pilot option on vehicles on the horizon. On this wis
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