IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It has been suggested that in the coming years, people will increasingly prefer to read news and books online for free instead of paying for printed copies. While I agree with this statement to some extent, I think that
In this contemporary era, there is an ongoing contention that society would switch to online reading from printed media in coming time. I am totally satisfied with the above notion and in coming paragraphs would like to
It is claimed that in the upcoming years, people will be about to not pay and read printed news and books as they prefer to read them online for free. I partially agree with this statement as I believe that books will pr
In a world where technology is starting to take over the media industry and the rise of the internet, such printed items are slowly being replaced by a single device that provides everything we need to obtain information
In the distant future, some people believe that printed newspapers and books will be replaced by free reading access on the internet. Although it might be possible that online reading will occupy a huge part of the indus
A significant number of people prefer to read online books than printed books nowadays. As a result, few argue that nobody will buy physical books in the days to come. Personally, I strongly disagree with such statement
Some predict that in the years to come, printed media, like books and newspapers, will no longer be purchased by the masses as accessing them via illegal pirate websites is becoming increasingly common. This essay somewh
Printed newspapers and books will become obsolete as everyone will be able to access all the reading material they desire online at no cost in the future. I strongly disagree with this statement. I believe that printed m
In the future, there will be nobody purchasing physical books and newspapers because they can read everything on the Internet for free. Although I agree that print newspapers and books will not be in demand in the upcomi
Due to the rapid developments of sciences and technology, we are currently living in the digital era. Technology has been embedded in our daily lives, as it has the ability to accommodate various kinds of one's needs. Su
Due to the rapid developments of sciences and technology, we are currently living in the digital era. Technology has been embedded in our daily lives, as it has the ability to accommodate to various kinds of one's needs.
As the technology is growing, many paper works will be disappear and according to the predicts, even newspapers and magazines will be published online instead of printed physically.
Some believe, that in coming years, everybody will tend to read what they want online instead of buying published newspapers or books and paying. I must say, from my point of view, I totally disagree with this and there
Some believes, in oncoming years, everybody will tend to read what they want online instead of buy published newspapers or books and pay. I must say, from my point of view, I totally disagree with this and there is no ch
Some believe that in the future, everyone will no longer buy physical newspapers and books due to the new technology that is developing platforms for reading. In my opinion, I disagree with people who believe that way, a
Some people believe that in the new generation or era, people will be more comfortable to read some books ir newspapers through their handphone than buy a real book. I completely disagree about this statement, from this
Many people are of the opinion that, in the future, there will be no one left buying physical newspapers or books because individuals will be able to read whatever they want online without any price. Personally, I totall
In the near future, people believe the use of technology will rise perspectively, especially the usage of electronic news and books. It has become popular nowadays and will have rapid growth in the future. It is agreed t
Being updated with hot news and aware of everything that occurs in the world is important for people because has an effect on the economic and political situation. Nowadays, more and more people prefer to check the news
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