In today's world, publicy require more money for family for normal live. Due to big differance between successfully and just developed countreas, family income amount differance can be a huge. So family from second type
Nowadays, couples work to fulfil the daily needs of their family. A chunk of individuals opines that this busy schedule left them with no time to look after their offspring whilst others are sceptical about it. I; howe
In the present aggresive environment most parents feel that it is essential for both the partners to work. It is considered by some that off springs in these socieities get the advantage of extra income, while there are
Nowadays, most families find it necessary for both parents to do a job to meet the demands of their life. A chunk of individuals opines that this will ease the life of their children whilst others are sceptical about it.
There is an argument over the past decade about is children have more benefits between both parents go out to work for more additional income nor father/mother should be with their child. The following paragraph will be
In our contemporary society, in many families, both parents have to work in order to secure their families financially. This tendency ensures a better quality of life for all the family members. Children get an opportuni
In the stressful and competitive globalization, the majority of families think it essential for both mom and father to go out to work. While a few people argue that the children in these households benefit from extra ear
Due to the rising cost of living, both the husband and the wife work in many families. Working parents are not able to spend enough time with their children. In my opinion, the disadvantages of this development far excee
In today's modern society expenses have increased exponentially, and to meet these needs both parents should engage themselves in work. However, some believe that it would help in their child's education, while others a
There are distinct views about the career of parents after they have children. Whereas some people claim that is fundamental for parents to continue their professional lives, others object to that view and argue that it
Working with both parents are highly significant for a teenager in today's era. some people believe that it is a need of life to do a job for both parents due to high inflation while others feel that it will affect their
In today's world, it is a very popular trend to go to a job for both husband and wife. Almost all couples are working nowadays. some people believe that it is ok to work with both parents so families financial condition
In today’s world, both the parents feel urge to do strenuous work so that they can save money for their kids education. Nevertheless, due to absence of parents at home, kids have to face lack of support. I will be presen
Parental accompaniment has brought high pressure to working parents. Several people opine that children can take the good advantage of extra income from their parents; however, some people may argue that childhood will b
More often than not, mothers pay more attention to take care of children than fathers. With more and more women choose to get out of home and start their own careers, people argue that whether a full-time housewife is mo
In the past, it was a customary for fathers to be the only breadwinner of the family. Fathers would go out to work and earn money to fulfill the families’ daily needs and mothers would stay home to take care of the child
There is no doubt that today's modern life has become more expensive. While some people believe that doubled income is necessary, I would argue that such a trend would affect negatively the children. In this disquisition
Mothers play a vital role to raise their small children. And other family members. These days, most females leave their job due to concerns about their nuclear family. There are those who claim that women who are not wor
In the present, the number of families in which both parents are full-time workers is constantly on the rise. There are divergent views about this issue whether it affects children in a positive way. In the following pa
Dual-income families have become a norm in today's society. While children are expected to benefit from their parent's extra funding, there are more compelling reasons why they would as well feel the lack of care resulti