IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Exercising regular plays an increasingly pivotal role in our health and the ability to be disease and stress free is certainly a advantage.I totally agree to this view and would give my reasons.
Some people feel that by participating in physical activities daily is the best way to improve a person’s wellbeing. In this essay, I will discuss whether I agree with this idea. Firstly, I will explore how people can be
Some people feel that the best way to improve a person’s wellbeing is by participating in physical activities. In this essay, I will discuss whether I agree with this idea. Firstly, I will discuss how a lack of exercise
Several people think that exercise is the good way to take care health. From my point of view, I fully agree that exercise is the greater.
Healthy body is important to enjoy the different pleasures of life. Exercising regularly is one of the ways to stay fit and young. At the viewpoint, of some people, the best way to improve fitness is to work out daily, h
No one can deny the importance of doing an exercise. Moreover, health is an important thing for everyone. So,many people seek to keep fit. By different ways such as playing football or playing basketball. But the best wa
Many people believe in regular exercise which helps in improving better health. However, we need to consider both physical and mental training in details. Each one has its own advantages and benefits.
Who wants a healthy life? I am sure everyone wants their lifetime are leading to a healthy style of living. Although we rather choose not to be growing older alas that is inevitable, where it is a process in life we all
Fitness means not lifting weight and gaining figure and getting six-pack abs, but it is to maintaining strength level .
The diagram illustrates the process of the way how to manufacture yogurt which people usually eat as a dessert in 7 steps.
Some people believe that performing exercise on a regular basis is the most effective solution in improving one's health status and I agree with the claim as this can lead to physical improvements and better mental well-
As it is said that to be perfect in life not only we have to be mentally fit but physically also . For being physically fit we need to do work out daily .In over county India there is no trend of having physical activity
Good health is a boon of God and a healthy person can live the life to the fullest. Some people believe that physical activities can improve the health of people in many ways and the best method is to develop a regular w
The most effective method for having a better health is to practice exercise everyday. In my opinion, doing a physical activity on a daily basis is a better way to developing a good health. However an balance diet also
Physical activity is the demand of modern lifestyle. The most effective method of maintaining and improving health is to exercise regularly. In my opinion, it is the key to fitness. However, eating healthy is important t
The most effective method in developing and improving health is considered to be regular exercise. In my opinion, I agree exercise is the key to health. However, I also believe that diet also plays an important role for
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