IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Children opt to know what is right and wrong in order for them to have a guide growing up. Therefore, others believe that they should follow rules from their teachers and parents, while some opposed that they are overl
Over the last few ,decades there have been a significant changes in the world. In the modern era, some are thinking that parents should teach the rule to the children, that control the problem created by them. To some ex
Nowadays,some people believe that celebrities should be role model to our younger generations,while others think that folks and school teachers are the real heroes.I advocate both points of view, and I will discuss the a
It is often considered few masses argue that juveniles should hear and follow the rules which are made by their guardians and educators. Meanwhile, some individuals believe kids should deal with their own problems, so it
Discipline plays a pivotal role in everybody's life. Some communities believe that offspring should follow rules and regulations in which they improve discipline in their life by obeying their parents and teachers; Howev
Children are the future generations and they play a pivotal role in the development of the nation. Some communities believe that offspring should follow rules and regulations to behave like a well-disciplined community b
Some people believe that rules and regulations set by teachers and parents have a great importance in the life of children and others think differently ,when children have less control, they can deal better in their futu
Some people believe that children must adhere to the instructions from their parents and teachers when some individuals do not think like this. They trust that a child who do not under adult control very much will have t
While some people believe children must be forced into good conduct, others argue that such controlled children might not be able to handle real-world challenges. I personally believe that children should not be limited
There are many people who think that they should teach them all. However, some people think that couldn’t control their children to make them know how to solve problems by themselves. In my opinion. I think we can do bot
Some children grow up with restrictions enforced by their parents at home and teachers at school. Though regulations are necessary, it may make the young lose their abilities to overcome difficulties after they become ad
Rules are a part of the discipline, devised and imposed for the improvement of every individual. Parents and tutors are expected to be strict with the minors in adhering to the ground rules laid, while, the children who
Rules are a part of the discipline, created and imposed for the improvement of every individual. Parents and tutors are expected to be strict with the minors in adhering to the ground rules laid,while, the children who a
Rules are a part of the discipline, created and imposed for the improvement of every individual. Parents and tutors are expected to be strict with the minors in adhering to the ground regulations that are laid. Moreover
The approach to raising children may vary from person to person. While some argue parents and teachers should guide and regulate children, others believe that children’s future will be more fruitful if they have more con
Children's upbringing has been the subject of debate in cultural diversity. While I personally believe it depends on different training families that affect growing children and how their behaviors shape up.
Children training has been the subject of debate in cultural diversity. While I personally believe it depends on different training families that effect on growing children and how their behaviors shape up.
Certain folks believe that teachers and their parents should make children under their control to obey all the rules and demands but some others think this type of behaviour will end up in a problem like a child cannot h
Whether the students should follow the rules or not was a debatable topic and now become more controversial. Some people claim they should obey the rules which are either made by their parents or by mentors, while others
People argued that parents and teachers should impose restrictions on children, however, for some people, being overprotective and controlling will hinder the development of their cognitive and problem-solving skills. Th
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