IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this contemporary world, it is argued that having punished is the only way for the children to distinguish the difference between good and bad at their early life. In my opinion, I completely disagree with this statem
Nowadays, many companies use advertising to increase sales. However, advertisements have a strong impact on people around the world. In this essay, I will be explaining the effect of what we see on social media.
When children make mistakes nowadays, some parents punish them to correct their behaviour. However, it is sometimes argued that punishments will harm children and therefore should not be encouraged. I believe punishment
Teaching children what is right and wrong in early childhood is crucial for their development, and implementing consequences can aid in this process. This essay agrees with the statement because children can easily absor
One of the primary essential thing that can be done to kids is teaching them to understand the distincts between what is good and what is bad. I strongly agree that, various forms of punishments such as banning the usage
I do agree with this statement where children needs to be educated since they are young. When they are young, it's easier to taught them what is right and what is wrong. However, it is not that easy for us as adults. Tha
In today’s society, people’s perspectives on education have shown significant divergence. Some believe that punishment plays a key role in helping children understand the difference between right and wrong. I agree with
It is hard to deny that sometimes punishment may hurt children's feelings when they are still young, such a fact leads impressionable people to generate the opinion that punishment is not necessary to help children to le
Although punishment can play a role in teaching children about what is right and what is wrong, it is most effective when used in conjunction with positive reinforcement and guidance. Young children learn best through ex
Children should be educated about the difference between right and wrong at an early age, but there is considerable dispute about which method is most effective for this purpose. While some people believe punishment is e
In my argument, it is crucial for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age, and punishment is necessary. Parents or family can start by the most fundamental aspects in this case. Teaching
First of all, what did your children do. Second, why do you think they deserve to get a punishment. All of the problems we face in life always starts from somewhere. For example, someone is mad at you, what will you do?
In the contemporary world, the controversy surrounding the necessity of children's punishment is a prominent topic. It is commonly believed that punishment is a suitable way for children to differentiate between good and
In this community, children and pupils are the most important people, they are the future of the country. Thus, it is very essential to teach about the benefits of good habits and also alert them about the consequences o
Positive and negative feedback has to be implemented in young people in order to show them the importance of having appropriate behaviours and the consequences of having those that are inappropriate. Then, I staunchly be
Positive and negative feedbacks have to be implemented in young people in order to show them the importance of having appropriate behaviours and the consequences of having those that are inappropiate. Then, I staunchly b
In our contemporary era, it is acknowledged that youth need to acquire the difference between right and wrong at an early stage of their development, accompanied by punishment policies to help them thrive. In my opinion,
It's essential to teach young children about the huge difference between right and wrong at a young age, also punishment is important to assist them to learn the lesson,In my opinion, yes a agree.
Teaching youngsters the difference between right and wrong at an early age is vital hence punishing them will assist them to put this into practice. I totally agree with this statement because disciple is a good way of
In the upbringing of children, the early acquisition of moral understanding is often considered crucial. Some argue that punishment plays a necessary role in teaching children the distinction between right and wrong. Thi
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