It has been suggested by some people that parents play an important role in teaching children how to behave appropriately in society in order to become competent members of the community whereas some would argue that the
In the last few years, drug abuse has been spread by young people, however, some of them believe that parents play a major role in setting a bad example for their children. In this essay, I will illustrate the perhaps ca
It is true that numerous people believe that parents should teach their children to be responsible members of their society. In other people’s opinion, they think schools are responsible to educate pupils in this way. I
Society had a big impact on our daily lives. Some people try to please or show off to the public through social media by posting all their possessions like luxury stuff. And with this, there is a negative effect on some
I think I concur with this statement as most of humanity wants something that they don’t have as they constantly compare themselves to their neighbours. Likewise, if you believe in a certain philosophy, most folks are ei
Nowadays , there is a huge war between experience and youth force in which one side believes that experience is more vital and the other side appreciate fresh force to get numerous triumph. A rise in the number of ageing
A lot of students trying to settle abroad after graduation for work and experience. There are those who believe that professionals must work in the country where they trained, however, opponents which are supporting the
Nowadays, social networking plays an important role in the modern world. Because of this, some individuals believe that people and society are impacted by them in a negative way. From my perspective, I completely agree w
Most of humanity wants something that they don’t have as they constantly compare themselves to their neighbours. Likewise, if you believe in a certain philosophy, most folks are either half-glass empty or half-glass ful
It is often considered that social media platforms highly influence the masses which causes a bad impact on their life and they easily get distracted from their goals. Thus I partially assent from the notion which furthe
Many lives are lost every year from heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other obesity-related illnesses. I think a tax on unhealthy food is a sensible idea even though some people think it could be discriminatory and d
Sportsmen practice a chosen sports activity as their profession, while the majority of the public do it as an exercise to keep their body healthy. To become a sportsman people need immense training and they have to sacri
In modern society, money, work and education are the key factors to survive. It is considered that students should go to university, while others believe that youngsters should start to earn bread after high school. In
It is believed that robotic machinery is a vital part of technological development while others think that it can have destructive effects on society. I strongly agree with the idea that this machine is one of the finest
It is widely acknowledged that with the development of technology and globalisation, the internet, as a new invention in the 20 th century is becoming very populous in people's life. Many people think that it can bring s
Technology has taken every major aspect of our life.Socializing through online forums,is one such change in our life.I believe that this is a positive development as it allows worldwide and time-efficient interaction opp
The use of social networking apps, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, has become widespread in recent years, and there is a debate about whether their impact on society is positive or negative. While some people a
The advancements of the field of technology have not only improved the standard of living in the world, but also ignited various tensity globally. A substantial proportion of individuals claim that, social networking web
ome would argue that parents should mold their youngsters on how to be a good citizen while others think it can be taught in school. Although, children learned new things in the school that would develop their intellectu
People have different views about the shape and the size of cities that they prefer to live in. while some individuals believe that horizontal towns are the best choice to grow up in, others seem to disagree with this an