IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Over the last few decades, many cities around the world have seen alarming increases in the levels of youth crime. This essay will discuss the reasons for this and provide some possible solutions.
Levels of delinquency are soaring at high rates in many cities around the globe. It is because younger generations are more easily influenced and tend to copy almost everything they see on the television or in the media.
In many cities, the cases of delinquency are rapidly growing around the globe. The main reasons for that tendency are the propagation of violence on the internet and the lack of support from the administration. These iss
The unlawful acts among the adoloscents are drastically increasing in the major cities in all over the world,even in developed countries.This essay will discuss the main causes behind the criminalism as well as discuss h
Nowadays, seems that juvenile delinquency is becoming more and more of a problem and this situation seems to be the case almost everywhere in the world. Although youth crime has been a concern since the 1700s, the change
Nowadays, the rate of crimes committed by young people has increased dramatically in many different countries. This essay will discuss the problems that involved teenagers and also suggest some solutions.
Nowadays, there is a drastic increase in crime among youth. In the majority of cities, the intensity of crime is high. In the following, paragraphs, I intend to discuss the causes and solutions to the given notion.
Criminal activities is a major crisis that is haunting most countries in today's world. Especially the younger generation involving in crime is increasing exponentially in the recent past. There are several reasons from
In recent years, the tendency to commit a crime has seen a long-term gradual increase with adolescence. This essay will examine the main aspects which entail this movement, and I will also suggest the possible ways to ta
It is commonly known that crime can not be stopped all over the world. Using prisons is not always the best solution and does not prevent the wrongdoing rate from growing. Committing fraud becomes more and more popular i
From a decade, the rate of juvenile delinquency has been increasing day by days all over the world. Although there is a number of factors which directly give birth to various crimes due to influence by social media and l
In today's modern world, the crime rate among youngsters is accelerating. The obstacle has become a huge headache for
Nowadays criminal activities by adolescents are enhancing and most of the rural and the urban areas are afflicted. This essay will discuss the causes of this epidemic and also describe some possible accomplishment to avo
The crime rate has been soaring unprecedently throughout the world especially among youth. Unemployment and lack of education are the two main culprits of the same. However, this scenario can be overturned by introducing
Criminal activities have increased throughout the decade. The levels of youth crime are increasing rapidly in most cities around the world. This essay will discuss the causes and solutions to overcome this problem.
There is no doubt that the number of criminals has been increased. Unemployment and poverty are the main reasons of the crime rate; however, these can be minimised for a great extent by giving vocational training and fin
In most towns around the world, the levels of crime among young people is extensively increasing. Two prime reasons behind the phenomenon are unemployment and aggregation prevalent in these age groups. Solutions to the a
The number of young people who are committing crime is growing fast worldwide. Some kids are left behind by their families and consequently they start to be part of crime groups. However, there are several solutions to m
It is undeniable that the number of crimes is increasing exponentially day by day.In this essay, I will discuss the causes for the rapid growth of crimes and provide a few suggestions to prevent the same.
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