IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Living in a nation which requires you to communicate by a language other than your mother tongue can cause both tremendous social problems and practical problems to a person. In my opinion, I will agree with this opinion
Immigrating to other countries in pursuit of happiness and prosperity is the main feature of modernity. Given that the language of the new country may be different from the country of origin, some plausible social and pe
In the world where globalization becoming common, some people try to seek opportunity and living in the foreign country either for study or work. This phenomenon can cause social issue as well as practical issue for some
Knowing how to speak a foreign language is the most crucial way to connect with that country’s culture. If someone cannot make connections with people around him in a foreign country, it causes many mental problems in th
Language is one of the most crucial aspects in life, especially when living abroad. It interferes with our daily life, hence why some people see living in a foreign-speaking country may cause problems, socially or practi
Some people argue that there will be serious problems for people who live in a country where they have to speak a foreign language. I strongly agree with this point of view because people are born with their own native l
Nowadays, people have huge enthusiasm for a foreign language. Even, some countries require this as a mandatory to be used. On the other hand, people think that it will lead to a social and practical lack in society. It'
In recent times, there has been an increasing number of people immigrating to a foreign country where the spoken language is different from theirs. However, it is often said that these immigrants are more likely to encou
There is no denying the fact that learning languages is a very important thing. While it is a commonly held belief that being in country where you must speak that country’s language cause serious problems, there is also
In the modern day, it has become easier to travel and live in another country. Some argue that moving to a non-native country creates many social concerns, along with pragmatic issues. In my opinion, I fully agree with t
Foreigners are basically a person who dont have a the local citizenship , if i were to simplify, it is a person whose not belong to a place or country. they are usually came up seeking for a job vacancies , holidays ,st
One of the most controversial issues relates to living in an international country, where speaking the host country's local language is a major requirement, which can lead to challenging situations in the social and prac
One of the most controvercial issues today relates to being a citizen of foreign country and speaking its national language as it can lead to a number of significant problems as well as practical problems. In this essay
Nowadays most of the people live abroad with their families or alone. Staying in another country which is not use their mother language in that country can cause serious social and practical problems for them. I totally
There was a hold by some individuals that living in a country where a local language does not influence us can cause a crucial and practical challenge. I completely agree with the statement, and the following essay will
In recent years, along with the boom of society, living in a foreign country has become increasingly prevalent at an amazing rate. Some people tend towards the viewpoint that living in foreign countries will lead to var
Communication in a non-native language for people who stay overseas has an impact on the social matter as same as training issues. I strongly agree language barrier is always the main reason people can not interact in so
Communication in a non native language for people who staying overseas have impact to social matter as same as training issues. I strongly agree language barrier always main reason people can not interact in society wher
Living in a different nation where individuals have to speak and learn a foreign language can sometime be challenging and can bring some social setbacks and cultural shock to them, as well as practical issues. I strongly
It is argued that staying in a nation that requires you to communicate in a foreign language might present both social and practical challenges. I completely agree with this notion as foreigners often experience problem
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