IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Development of countries with different paces results in immigration and a person who leaves his own country has to struggle with people who speak a foreign language, which can be a milestone in his life and cause acute
With the process of globalization, living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language. However, this phenomenon can cause serious social problems and practical issues. Considering this topic from communicatio
Living in a country where you have to speak a different language is definitely a big change that can come with a lot of problems. I will argue in this essay that living in a place where people speak a different language
esiding in a nation where you are required to speak a foreign language can lead to social issues as well as important challenges in day-to-day life. I believe that this can be a stressful experience.
There is no denying the fact that people who live outside their countries could have serious problems with the language they speak, while it is a commonly held belief that whenever you want to deal with something in your
Language is the fundamental and imperative element in communication. Bilingual characteristics contribute to an easy understanding of any type of information present today. On the contrary, the inability to comprehend in
Living in a different country rather than your motherhood country may cause plenty of linguistics problems such as social,practical and other communicative problems but all of these problems are not permanent ones and th
As most people know, living abroad is not plain sailing. Challenges such as limited or lack of fluency in certain languages or cultures are common problems for people who are living overseas. Herein, this essay will disc
Nowadays, some people believe that living in a city where you have to speak a language other than your mother tongue, can be challenging and cause both social and practical problems. Personally, I agree with the statemen
Living in a country that uses a language other than own one, can develop both social and practical issues among people. I completely agree with the given statement and here I will explain it in a more detailed manner.
Language has been the most essential way of mingling in a culture, it creates uniqueness among cultures. Speaking an unfamiliar language in an overseas country might cause problems that can affect socializing and practic
Globalization has made the fact that people live in a country where speaking a foreign language is essential to be true. Therefore, some claim that this causes serious social problems and practical problems. Nevertheless
There is no denying the fact that learning languages is a very important thing. While it is a commonly held belief that being in a country where you must speak that country’s language causes serious problems, there is al
Nowadays many people intend to immigrate to another city for lots of reasons. However, there are always many difficulties with speaking another language, and it generally brings crucial issues whether social or practical
Residing in a nation where you are obliged to speak a second language can result in social and practical issues. In my opinion, I totally agree with this point of view.
It is often believed that serious social problems can occur as much as practical problems when we live in foreign countries where we should use foreign languages. And I completely disagree with this argument.
In today's modern world, everyone wants to get to know about the different places of this globe and all this can be possible by learning numerous different, I am in the same mind that one has to face myriad
Nowadays,there has been a growing trend of living abroad with a foreign language. Some people believe that folk should talk in the country 's speech to avoid any social troubles as well as routine problems. I totally ag
Nowadays, living in foreign countries has become very popular but some people believe that it can cause social and practical problems too. I certainly agree with this view and in this essay, I will support my idea with s
In modern times, languages have received a great deal of public attention. It is often said that it is common for people to live in countries where they have to speak a foreign language, however, this can cause several s
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