IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There may be divergent views concerning whether instant situations should be regarded as addressed by international cooperation. Some argue that domestic strategies can solve the problems. Personally, I disagree with thi
It is said that a lot of nowadays' most urgent problems like pandemics,wars and climate change can be solved through worldwide cooperation.In my opinion, I definitely support this view and am going to share my own view
The modern worled facing urgent problems which needs to be solved wisely. I completly agree that some of those problems needs an international cooperation to be tackeled.
The modern worled facing urgent problems which needs to be solved wisely. I completly agree that some of those problems needs an international cooperation to be tackeled.
It is widely claimed that pressing issues in the world could only be fixed by multilateral collaboration. I disagree with the statement ,and my arguments will be elaborated in this essay.
It has been widely claimed that pressing issues in the world could be fixed by solely multilateral collaboration.I disagree with the statement, and my reasons will be explained in this essay.
In recent years, the modern world had numerous issues with human beings. Moreover, these obstacles must be solved by national cooperation. I will explain with two sides and elaborate in the following paragraphs.
Nowadays the World is going through a very difficult period since wars and climate change are putting us in terrible danger and while some people think that every single government should face this problem independently,
Several representatives of modern society deem that it is essential to spend a day at workplaces whereas others argue with this statement and allege that it is more important to spend time with families or on acquaintanc
Global collaboration can alleviate timely problems. In this essay, I will be discussing the reasons why I strongly agree that difficulties, which include the pandemic brought by the COVID-19 virus as well as depletion of
In my perspective, there will be many dilemmas that appeared during our lives that the government needs to deal with its, even significant obstacle or minor issue. Depending on each situation's severity, the government w
In my perspective, there will be a lot of dilemmas that appeared during our lives that the government need to deal with its, even important obstacle or small issue. Depending on how the severity of each situation, the go
In my perspective, there will be a lot of problems appeared during our lives that the government need to deal with its, even important problems or small problems. Depending on how severity of each situation, the governme
Many people believe that these days there are many affair all over the world which can be solved by global aid. I completely agree with the statement that issues like pollution and health question can be solved by the co
Many people believe that these days there are many issues all over the world which can be solved by globally cooperation. I completely agree with the statement that issues like pollution and helath problems can be solve
Solving pressing global issues seem to be better if it is done by a joint effort of every country, according to some; however, I partially agree with the statement as some problems only managed nationally. In this essay
In an era of globalization, disputes and issues often arise amongst and within nations. Some people have an opinion that such serious affairs can be resolved only through world organisations. I firmly believe that interf
In today's globalized world, the most urgent threats can only be eliminated if countries try to resolve these problems together. I strongly believe that international cooperation is required for solving important problem
There are various social, economic, cultural problems in India. It is suggested by some individuals that urgent problems can only be saved by international cooperation. In my perspective, most difficult issues
In present times there are numerous issues that need our immediate attention. The ultimate solution contemplated by a majority of the is the population is the international cooperation. I completely agree that this is th
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