IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In today's digital age, a large amount of individuals choose to connect with another update the latest news anytime through social media platforms. This writer states that the disadvantages of using social media outwei
In the cutting-edge technology era, the widespread social platforms provide convenient help for users to contact other people in an easy way and recently updated events that occur around the world. Although, there is som
In today's digital era, social media's widespread use for communication and news consumption is ubiquitous. Despite acknowledging its drawbacks, this essay contends that the benefits of enhancing communication and access
In the contemporary era, social media is utilized daily for communication and accessing news stories, becoming a commonplace activity. While this trend carries some drawbacks, this writer argues that the benefits of stre
In the contemporary era, the pervasive use of social media for communication and accessing news has become a norm. While acknowledging the drawbacks, this essay posits that the advantages of streamlining communication an
With the high development of technology and science, people have more and more opportunities to use modern internet facilities to keep in contact with other inhabitants around the world and update new information. From m
Social media is becoming increasingly popular and it is used for various purposes. This writer argues that the benefits of connecting to other people and entertaining outweigh the disadvantages of addiction.
Social media have been used to keep in touch with other people around the world by many individuals. In my personal view, the positive aspects that using social media provides for humans is more outweigh the pessimisti
In the modern day, the majority of people communicate and gather information via social media. This essay approves that despite causing addiction, this digital tool’s convenience and availability straightforwardly eradic
In the modern decades, using high-tech devices like smartphones or computers in order to access the internet has become more and more popular. In my own opinion, the advantages which social media brings to people are pla
Thesedays, the major of people around the world contact and update the news occasion by utilizing the social media. From my perspective, the advantages exceed the the disadvantages in many ways.
In today’s digital era, a mass number of people globally exposure to social media on a daily basis in order to stay in contact with their acquaintances and updating news. In this essay, the writer believes that staying o
It is often said that a lot of people in the world use social platform regularly to interact with relatives and update new news. This writer believes that the benefits of using social media outweighs the drawbacks of its
In the modern decades, using technology to access social media daily is a common activity which helps people to connect with others and get the news up-to-date. This writer argues that the benefits of connecting with peo
A lot of people throughout the world prefer social networks to meet their needs in consuming of new information and communicating with their loved ones. Some reckon that pros of such new approach are extremely helpful on
The media is being used worldwide on different occasions, such as keeping contact with others or updating news. The writer contends that the merits of convenience and accessibility of information outweigh the drawback of
Nowadays, the majority of citizens tend to keep in touch with others and update new events by using social media. In my point of view, this issue has advantages that outweigh the drawbacks because it brings the connecti
Many people in the world are utilizing social media as a tool for communication as well as informing them of current affairs. The writer believes social networking sites pose a great risk of privacy invasion along with m
Social media is used every day for contact and update content and it proves to be very beneficial. This writer argues that the disadvantages of spreading false information along with cyber fraud outweigh the benefits of
Beyond daily communication, social media has also been used as a platform of spreading news events. Owing to this development, many people now have instant access to current issues. Despite the convenience and efficiency
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