In modern times, music has greatly benefited in many positive ways. An easy outlet for stress relief and rejuvenation, music can bring people of different backgrounds or ages together, as some people think. I totally ag
Securing a job is the paramount goal for every student. Some of them are able to achieve while others struggle for it. There is an ongoing debate about the option available for an individual either to opt for higher stu
Securing a job is the paramount goal for every student. Some of them are able to achieve while the others struggle for it. There is an ongoing debate between the option avaible for an invidual either to opt for higher st
It is sometimes argued that with the help of music, we can bring people from different nations and ages together. I agree with this notion to some extent. The word "music" is a general term that refers to any kind of mus
The debate surrounding whether music is capable of gathering a variety of distinctive cultures and individuals of different generations or not has sparked considerable controversy. I firmly agree with this notion due to
Some people think the perfect way to fix traffic jams in cities is to supply free public transportation all day of the week,l agree with the thinking that the greatest way to solve traffic congestion is to provide more p
Several Individuals have an opine that to solve clogging on streets authorities should operate free transportation system across the cities on 24/7 basis. It will create lots of issues for authorities as in night times c
Nowadays, it is viewed that music is one big and excellent tool of drawing individuals of diverse believes and ages together. I partly agree to this view.
Advertisement plays a major role to increase the popularity. Some people believe sports sponsorship by renowned companies have positive impact on society on the otherhand others suggest iy can cause negative impact. I be
Music is said to have been a viable means to attach members of different cultures and ages. I agree with this assumption since this form of art can enhance emotional connections and encourage collective collaborations.
In today’s world, numerous businesses support sports and idol athletics as a way of spreading themselves, a number of societies believe it is an interesting opinion, while other people have adverse views. In my point of
It is argued that a number of businesses use well-known stars and sponsor sports to popularize in their advertisements. However, some individuals believe it is a good way to advertise, while others argue that it brings
Some people perceive graduating from college become the best way to get a job while others argue that getting experience and growing skills are more prominent to getting a good job. I believe both academics and experienc
Some people perceive graduating from college become the best way to get a job while others people argue that getting experience and growing skills is more prominent to get a good job. I believe both academic and experien
Numerous number of individuals are sure that the only way to attend for a good job is to finish university education course,while others claim to begin work after comleting school and acquire experience in the environmen
Music is an unseprable part of our lives these days. In fact, many people are song-friends, they only share the music that they liked with eachother without any furtur words or communication. I believe that music is a po
Music is a powerful element, especially for communicating with people from different backgrounds. In this essay, I agree with this viewpoint, and I will specifically explain my reasons as follows.
When adults choose to study, it is mostly for self-enrichment, for enjoyment or self-improvement, and not to work toward a vacation or degree. They have two opinions in front of them. One is to do self-study through vari
In our contemporary era,distance learning have become renowned in the society.However,many people,including me opt and relies on interractive learning by attending to lecture in a college because of the primary reasons s
It is already common for many companies to invest in sports to advertise themselves. Although some believe that this situation is positive due to its own advantages because it can raise awareness among people about brand