IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Recent readers indicate that adults cannot manage their time to take care of old people. This writer believes that a work-life balance and financial burdens are the major reasons for the issues. The following essay will
Recent readers indicate that adults cannot manage their time to take care of old people. This writer believes that a work-life balance and financial burdens are the major reasons for the issues. The following essay will
In the cutting-edge society, there is not enough time to take care of old people. The roots cause for this is the elderly are neglected and pressure. However, it can be dealt with by flexible hours.
The problem with taking care of elderly people is that there is not sufficient time to look after old individuals. This essay will discuss the effect on the financial and mental health of those who take careof, yet it c
It is often argued that people who take care of senior citizens do not have enough time for themselves. This can cause problems with one’s career and cost implications but can be solved by flexible working arrangements a
Nowadays, a lot of habitants worry about the date which is not enough to spend on taking responsibility of the senior citizens. This writer will show the primary cause namely raising children and emphasize the main measu
It is often argued that people who take care of senior citizens do not have enough time for themselves. This can cause problems about one’s career and cost implication but can be solved by flexible working arrangements a
There are a lot of young people taking care of their older generations who lack time for self-caring. This author believes that if this circumstance continues in the next few months, it will negatively affect the youth i
Spending time taking care of the elderly can reduce their basic time for themselves. This problem is attributable to stress and pressure from employers but can addressed by retirement homes and flexible working hours po
Presently, there are some elderly carer cannot even take care of themselves due to their time management between work and life. However, this can be tackled by flexible working arrangements like working from home.
There are a lot of young people taking care of their older generations lack time for self-caring. This author believes that it this circumstance continues in the next few months, it will negatively affect the youth in ti
It is concerning that the majority of the elderly are not looked after properly because their children do not spend enough time. This problem is attributable to pressure from employers and stress from family, yet this ca
There is a controversial discussion point is that those who look after senior residents are lacking time to take care themselves. This writer thinks that this problem may cause a variety of illness and mental disorder wh
Nowadays, many individuals who do not have enough time to take care for the elderly people. To what express, will consider to my opinion.
In today's society, individuals responsible for caring for the elderly often find themselves strapped for time. This issue stems from challenges in managing time effectively but can be mitigated through a restructuring o
Nowadays, there is a significant challenge that many individuals caring for the old population have insufficient time to look after them. I believe that the biggest issue is a risk of accidents and falls at home, however
Nowadays, the society more and more develop, the volume of work have more increased therefore, some individuals who care for the older people do not have a lot of spare time to take care them. The writer of this essay be
Nowadays, there is a significant challenge that many individuals caring for the old people have insufficent time to look after them. I believe that the biggest issue is risk of accidents and falls at home, however, peopl
there is little doubt that taking concern of old people takes a lot of time which should be used for other businesses. This leads to many other problems such as financial problems and accidents but it can be addressed y
There can be little doubt that the elderly are a noticeable concern in many nations all over the world. This problem is attributable to the lack of personal interaction and the high-risk ability but can addressed by comm
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