IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The debate about whether university students should explore a variety of subjects in addition to their main subjects is a contentious topic. Both opinions have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice depends o
In contemporary society, education plays an essential role. The majority of students need to obtain more knowledge from different backgrounds while others think to focus their attention only on the subject that they have
Many students have different thoughts about the lessons they are studying at the university, such as some students think it is better to focus on the major subjects, others believe additional subjects should be taught. I
The majority of student has a high desire to learn a variety of knowledge next to their main subjects. While others are of the opinion that it is more vital to just concentrate to study for their qualification. I person
Many university students are now inclined to divide their time between studying for their major and pursuing interests in unrelated subjects. In my opinion, it is crucial for undergraduates to learn about a wide range of
There always has been an argument about the amount of subject matters that students take at college, some believe that they should study more subjects while others think they should focus on their major. In this essay, I
Some students intend to get knowledge about other subjects besides their major ones whereas others claim that being professional only in the field of their study is more essential. While being involved in different aspe
People have different view about weather.The number of university students have passion to learn about type of subject .Same is believed that it is essential to spent all their time to studying for qualification .I will
Many people believe it is imperative for students to study different subjects in university other than their principal subjects to enhance their knowledge and skill needed in a real workplace, meanwhile focus on the subj
Tastes and tends vary from pupil to pupil; as a result, they choose distinct subjects instead of main subjects like mathematics and science. Nevertheless, some learners perceive these subjects as quite significant in ord
There is an open debate over what subjects should students choose at university. Some students prefer to dedicate their time and master only one field, while others try to explore different fields. I believe that taking
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