IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, we are facing a new pandemic - an obesity. What is even worse it has affected not only adults but children as well. Changes in lifestyle, access to unhealthy food options and unwillingness to choose the compli
Nowadays, children are facing the same health problems as adults, such as obesity. This trend gives rise to an ample number of problems which can be dealt with by taking different viable measures.
Nowadays, the increasing rate of overweight in children and adults is a worldwide health issue. Obesity is a major problem, it is increasing constantly among school children. There are specific reasons behind it. This e
Nowadays, many children have been faced with some maladies that used to be for adults which obesity is one of the problematic diseases. Nevertheless, if the governments want to prevent further distribution, they should i
Current kids are less movement than kids in the past. As a result, they are struggling with health problems that are generally considered for old people. For example, children becoming over fat and this might cause for t
Nowadays, young people are suffering from any kind of sickness that mostly applied to olders only. It also happened with obesity which widely common amongst children currently. There are several reasons is effected this
It is true that nowadays the life of modern generation is another then the life of their parents and grandparents. New condition of life of youngers causes to the new, unusually diseases as obesity. Obesity is dangerous
Obese has become the most critical health concern in today’s children that in past only elder people use to have. The main reasons behind it are children eating fat food more often now and playing computer games at all t
Recently young people are experiencing over-weight problems which used to be mature person issue. This essay explains that the causes such as lack of exercise and unhealthy food consumption are the major reason. However,
Recently young people are experiencing overweight problems which used to be mature person issue. This essay explains that the causes such as lack of exercise and unhealthy food consumption are the major reason. However,
The diseases such as obesity that only meant to be for older folks earlier, in the contemporary era, youth are suffering from that. This essay will discuss how eating habits of children and lifestyle of them are major ca
Being clinically obese was once only a condition that adults suffered from, but it is becoming more common in people under the age of 18. This essay will first discuss how fast food is the primary cause of this growing p
Modern societies have been experiencing illnesses since chemical products were invented in order to provide unlimited desires. Just as elders, young individuals suffer from sicknesses. Especially, being overweight is th
Humanity has been suffering from illnesses since the chemical production process was invented. Significantly, young individuals are exposed to the same sickness as elders.
Adolescents, nowadays, are developing ailments that are generally seen in adults. Moreover, much tender age is diagnosed with obesity and diabetes. There are several factors behind such illness among children. In this es
Adolescents, nowadays, are developing ailments that are generally seen in adults. Moreover, many tender age are diagnosed with obesity and diabetes. There are several factors behind such illness among children. In this e
New generation children are increasingly facing health issues across all nations. Diseases like obesity which were once seen in adults are quite common in modern children these days. This essay will discuss the causes an
Kids these days are becoming obese that were thought to be meant for grown-ups only. The main cause of this phenomenon is that the new generation does not go outside and prefer to play video games on the computer and the
Obesity is a curse for modern children which was rare in this particular age group in recent past.Diseases have crossed the age barrier lately which is proved by the occurrence of specific pathologies in youngsters that
Nowadays children are facing the same healthy problem like adults, such as obesity. This essay will discuss the main causes of children's obesity including eating highly processed food and lack of physical excercises and
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