IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the contemporary era, several factors contribute to the large number of people preferring to live in big cities rather than rural areas. This essay will outline the benefits and drawbacks of this trend.
In the modern epoch, life has become more complicated, and standards of lifestyle have become materialistic. Nowadays, people prefer to live a better life in big cities. This essay attempts to briefly compare the pros an
An increasing number of people have been noticed to transfer to the big metropolis nowadays. In this essay, I would emphasise the advantages and disadvantages of living in big capital.
The table depicts the source of funding for the police was increased and the pie chart describes the budget of distribution in different departments.
Providing the most facilities in the large cities caused people to emigrate from the small cities to the capital ones. Even though this trend has some drawbacks, I would argue that there are abundant benefits.
In today's contemporary world, masses are migrating towards metropolitan cities. I have compelling evidence to dwell on this notion. This essay explains both sides, the merits such as more exposure to facilities includi
In this modern-day, Everyone is highly attracted to the city's lifestyle. A significant number of people are shifting to urban areas day by day to get a better job as well as education. There is a number of pros and con
It has been observed that large metropolitan cities are attracting a substantial number of masses who choose to migrate towards such cities. This essay compares both sides and underscores why people move to big cities
In today's contemporary world, masses are migrating towards the metropolitan cities. I have compelling evidences to dwell on this notion. This essay explains both sides, the merits such as more exposure to facilities inc
Nowadays, a large number of the citizens tend to move into the big cities. in the future,this trend will also gradually increase. This essay will discuss both benefits and drawbacks of these movements of the people.
Nowadays, the majority of people move to be living in a big city to gain more opportunities in their works or education, which provides other merits as well. However, there are few demerits according to the transferring
People these days are migrating to bigger cities as there is a lot of opportunities despite being overcrowded. This essay will outline both merits and demerits of city life.
The given topic is highly controversial. However , If a glance is taken at the pros and of this aspect , it is irrefutable to say there are numerous people prefer from villages to big cities So , I perceive that , it a l
At present times, The chunk of the population prefers to live in metropolitan cities while others desire to live in small suburbs. Infact, it has equally positives and negatives. In the upcoming paragraphs, I will share
In this contemporary era, A chunk of the population shifts to large cities for many reasons while others prefer to live in small suburbs or towns. According to them, there are few drawbacks to living in a big urban city
Issues related to living in a big city are frequently discussed these days. It is argued that nowadays, many people are leaving from suburban to urban areas. Despite the fact that this trend has some drawbacks, I would a
The more the world becomes developed and modernized, the more the people move to big cities. That's why, the cities become more populated and bigger. However, the lifestyle in a big city is way much different than in the
Metropolitans are always seen as a land of opportunity and the majority of the population is shifting to large cities nowadays. There are some benefits and drawbacks of moving to a big city. In this essay, I will discuss
In recent years, there are an increasing number of people tending to live in major cities. In my opinion, living in such big cities has both benefits and drawbacks.
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