IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays the number of students for studying abroad significantly has increased.Accordingly; this issue can be considered a new social phenomenon.So; there are some advantages such as gaining a distinct cultural experie
Nowadays, a big percentage of students choose to complete their higher education abroad. They want to try a new experience, and discovering different school systems. This essay will examine the advantages and disadvanta
Nowadays most students prefer to get a master's degree from a foreign university because of the following reasons, universities have the most qualified professors, fully equipped research labs and updated courses with
In this educational era, everyone is trying to take admitted to a good institution. A lot of children preferred to study abroad instead of their own country of origin. In this essay, both advantages and disadvantages wil
Having a foreign education is increasingly in demand these days. Despite some drawbacks of this trend, there are obvious benefits as well. In this essay, I will outline the perceived disadvantages and the benefits of for
Nowadays, a more significant number of students choose to pursue their higher education abroad. While there are some challenges in studying in a foreign country, in my view, the long-term benefits to the students and the
Nowadays, many youngsters are opting to study abroad for their tertiary education. In my view while there are some marginal drawbacks of foreign studies, there are far more significant benefits to be gained with this mov
Nowadays, the physical borders are being treated only as a geographical identify of a country, and rest everything in the world is so connected that going abroad for education seems very easy. Most of the students, in to
Studying abroad has become a trend in the past few years. There is an increase in the number of students who travel outside of their homeland for study purposes. Some people say it has many merits while others say it has
The bar graph illustrates the outcome of a study regarding individuals’ coffee and tea consumption as well as purchasing habits in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Hobart.
In this modern day, many people decide to study study in other country where they live. Unquestionably, studying abroad decision has some benefits and drawbacks as well. In my opinion, studying abroad will give much more
The majority of the graduates are preferring educational institutions, abroad for acquiring higher education. Although high university fee is a concerning drawback, the availability of job opportunities is the primary be
Nowadays, more students choose to study abroad than ever before. There are benefits in studying in a foreign country; however, there are some negative factors as well.
Nowadays, Many people argue that students are studying in school in foreign countries. While there are some benefits to learn in another country, I am of the opinion that the drawbacks will likely be more significant.
higher education recently has become more critical than ever before. While some students may prefer to study at local universities, others do take the abroad colleges choice. In this essay i will discuss both sides' bene
In the new millennium, because of the advancement in education, a great number of young people’s preference is studying. Some students and pupils prefer to continue their education in other countries; therefore, they imm
Nowadays there are a lot of options available for higher education. As such, many are selecting overseas colleges for tertiary education. In this essay, I will consider the perceived drawbacks of this trend, and explain
Nowadays, an individual prefers to study abroad for their tertiary level rather than in their homeland. However it is not a huge issue that needs to be widened as studying oversea has a plethora of merits that people do
Nowadays the amount of students that are choosing to do their bachelor or masters degrees abroad. I am convinced that the benefits of it outweigh the drawbacks.
Nowadays we live in the era of globalisation. This phenomenon provides an opportunity for teenagers and graduates to continue their studying abroad. Some people examine that education at foreign colleges and universities
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