IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this contemporary epoch, newspapers play a vital role in every individual’s life. Most of the news is supported by pictures by the media. Some people consider that it is positive as photos speak better than words whil
In this contemporary era, the way of presenting news on tv and in newspaper has changed alot than past. Many journalists use various images which may show the exact meaning of the topic. Even, critics say that this is th
Some would argue that illustrated news is more efficient than information without illustrations. However, in this essay, I would agree with this idea, because the visual improvement provides data, and second, the visuali
There are different ideas about the effectiveness of attaching pictures to new stories on TV and in newspapers. Some individuals, including me, are of the opinion that these pictures are more effective than words.
Many individuals said stories appears on television and in newspaper are more often accompanied by images that seems more effective than saying on those ads. In my prospective its way more attractive in this essay we wil
Nowadays, news media are publishing their stories using pictures very often. Some argue that portraits convey messages more effectively than textual content. I believe this is true because visual information can have mor
Nowadays, there are so many different ways of posting or presenting news on television and in newspapers. Most journalists use a picture which may show the exact meaning of a topic. Critics say that is a more common and
In the contemporary world, it is very common to see a lot of pictures in daily newspapers along with news. A part of society believes that it is beneficial, while critics say these are not effective. This discussion has
News, broadcasted on either television or newspaper, is a combination of sound and pictures. People believe that animations, videos, and pictures are crucial as they help in comprehending headlines easily while others op
News stories and newspapers go along with pictures. According to some people, pictures are more effective than words. In my perspective, graphics remain in mind for a longer period of time as compared to words or sayings
Mainstream media increasingly reports stories through visuals. Many people consider graphics as a convenient way of reporting rather than words. In my perspective, illustrations are much more effective than any other for
Nowadays, There are a technology world's, many T.V programs and ewspapers show the photograpy in their chanels and papers some magazines and article print some pictures to their papres. This type of photos and artical is
There is a morden area, some stories and T.V advartaisment and newspapers shows some bad pictures or some good photos. In this world, some children watched and Reading newspapers daily photos and watched T.V. In this es
There is a morden world and many youngsters and children created their reals and aplod that stories in thier phone and their chenales. Nowa days ,many people to take a new phone for their children and children's created
It is argued that pictures are far more influential than spoken or written words, especially, pictures on news stories on media or printed news. I completely agree with this opinion as I believe that images can be recogn
News stories on TV and in papers are usually followed by attached pictures. Some individuals believe pictures have a stronger effect than words. And I agree with this argument.
IN The fact picture has more powerful Nowadys espically withe progress technology ,for that reason there are many people can effected with this newes and believe it , I strongly agree this opinion and i will give mor
New stories, whether on TV or in newspapers, are often provided with pictures. It is believed that, in terms of efficiency, images are superior to words. I strongly agree with this statement, and the reasons will be outl
In this era, media persons or journalists play an essential role in writing magazine or showing advertisements on television this helps human beings to understand quickly and easily. I agree with this statement and I wil
Nowadays pictures play a crucial role in people's lives, therefore they can be used in various ways in terms of media. Some people believe that images can demonstrate everything, while others suggest that nothing is loud
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